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个人收集整理 -仅供参考 2018 八年级英语下册 Units3-4 单元练习题 .选择填空 .(15分 ( 1.The Greens_______watching TV when I got there. A.was B.were C.is D .are ( 2.The story________a rainy night last June. A. happenedon.B.happened in C.took place on D .took place in ( 3. There is an apple tree___the room. A.in front B. in front of C. in the front Din the front of ( 4.Remember ______your sister to come here on time. A.ask B.asking C.to ask D asks ( 5.They had fun______ to the music. A.listen B.to listen C.listens D.listening ( 6.They were sleeping_____they heard a man____ “help ”. A.when ;shouting B.while;to shout C.when; to shout D.while; shouting ( 7_______beautiful dress it is ! A. What B.What a C.How a D.How ( 8.He looked for his bag _____,but he can ’tfind it_______. A.nowhere;anywhere B.everywhere; nowhere. C.anywhere; everywhere.D.everywhere; anywhere ( 9 She’s _____at swimming,but she want to do _______in it. A. good ;well B. well ; betterC. good; better D.better;better ( 10._What did Tim_____?-He said he_____play basketball the next day. A. said; would B. say; would C. says, was going D. say, was going ( 11.Could you tell me_______this time yesterday? A. what were you doing B.what you were doing C. where you are doing D. where you were doing ( 12.We won ’tgo to the museum if it ________the day after tomorrow. A.rains B. will rain C. is going to rain D would rain ( 13.The teacher asked her _____. A. if she has already finished the work. B.whether she has already finished the work. C.if she had already finish the work D. if she had already finished the work. ( 14.The teacher told me _____late again. A.not toB.not to be C. not be D.not be to ( 15.The geography teacher told us the earth________bigger than the moon. A. is B. was C. isn ’t D.wasn’t .完形填空 .10分 Charlie Benson is a bus. driverHeis a good young man and __16__his work very much,when.Oneheday17_ along a street, he saw two thieves __18__ out of a shop towards.Thecarawcasr waiting in front of the shop . One of them was 1 / 6 个人收集整理 -


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