商务英语听力 Customer Service 7 customer service.ppt

商务英语听力 Customer Service 7 customer service.ppt

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* Customer Services To build up the vocabulary about providing customer service To get a general idea of the basic components in serving customers To be competent to handle complaints efficiently suppose you are in the customer service department, what kind of responses will you give to the following guests’ complaints? Please make a choice. C D B A Itchy a. 使人发痒的 Blotch n. 皮肤上的 红斑;疹块 Investigate v. 调查;审查 Source n. 来源原因;出处 too itchy? to endure 痒得难熬 To?investigate a problem is indeed to solve it. 调查就是解决 问题。 His confidence was as much a?source of Strength as of danger. 他的信心既是 危险的种子,也一 样是力量的源泉。 Blotch printing 满地印花; 底色印花 so far 到目前为止 right away 立即,马上 other than 而不是 So far, youre all tied. 到现在为止, 你们不分胜负。 The truth is quite?other than what you think. 事实真相 和你想的 完全不同。 We are getting busy?right away. 我们马上 就动手干。 Gloria is complaining to Rose about her products. Watch the video clip and tick (√) the correct answer to each question. 1. What is Gloria’s complaint about? B ? A. A customer reported the terrible smell of the product. ? B. A customer is allergic to the product. ? C. A customer is not happy with the expensive price of the product. 2. What is Rose’s reaction to Gloria’s complaint? C ? A. She is angry. ? B. She is excited. ? C. She is surprised. Script Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with proper words. Rose reassures Gloria that their products have passed a rigid 1 before they are 2 . As Manning’s store has been doing business with TAF for a long time, Gloria has absolute 3 in TAF’s inspection work. Rose cannot promise a compensation right away because there may be other 4 causing allergy. She will report the case to the 5 immediately. inspection produced faith sources Production Department Script 4. Language Summary Script


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