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PAGE PAGE 1 Nairobi-Naivasha Standard Gauge Railway Project Safety Disclosure Form 安 全 交 底 书 Name of Unit Work 单位工程名称 DK75+500~DK95+500 Part of Work 工程部位 Prepared By 编制单位 Safety quality Dep. of Section No.4 Project site office 第四项目经理部安质部 Received By 接收单位 Driver 司机 Items to be Disclosed 交底项目 运输车辆操作安全 transport vehicle for safe Time of Disclosure 交底时间 Technical Disclosure: 交底内容: 1、机动车驾驶员对安全行车负有直接责任,因此必须要牢固树立安全第一的思想观念,确保人民生命财产的安全。 The motor vehicle drivers have direct responsibility for safe driving and therefore must be firmly established ideas about safety first, ensure the safety of peoples life and property. 2、认真学习及严格遵守肯尼亚有关交通运输的法律法规,保证在车辆运输途中正常安全驾驶。 Earnestly study and strictly abide by the Kenya laws and regulations relating to the transportation, ensure the normal order of the transit vehicle safe driving. 3、出车前必须带齐有关证件,检查车辆情况,发现故障,及时报告,及时修理,严禁带病车上路。认真执行出车前、行车中、收车后安全检查。完成任务后及时检查车辆,并向领导汇报安全情况,及时维护保养车辆,保持车辆技术状况良好。 Must bring the relevant documents before the car, check the vehicle condition, find fault, timely report, timely repair, it is strictly prohibited to the car in spite of the way.Conscientiously implement the car before and after driving, collect in security checks.Completed in a timely manner to check the vehicle, and report to the leadership security situation, timely maintenance of vehicles, vehicle technology in good condition. 4、严禁酒后驾车,做到文明礼貌,按路线行驶,做到礼让“三先”。情况不明,不盲目强行通过。 No drunken driving, do civilized manners, according to the route, do comity three first.The unknown, do not force through blindly. 5、自卸汽车应保持顶升液压系统完好,工作平稳,操纵灵活,不得有卡阻现象。 Dump truck jack-up hydraulic system shall be maintained in good condition, work smoothly, flexible manipulation, no jam phenomenon. 6、装卸料时要听从指挥,不得在指定处所以外装卸料,严禁车厢内载人。 To listen to instructions, when loading shall not loading, in addition to the specified location are strictly forbidden to car manned. 7、配合挖装机械装卸料时,自卸汽车就位后应拉紧手制动器,在铲斗必须越过驾驶室作业时,驾驶室内不得有人停留。 Cooperate with digging the loading mechanical loading,


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