高中英语_Highlights of My Senior Year教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思(精选2).doc

高中英语_Highlights of My Senior Year教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思(精选2).doc

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Book 7 Module 2 Reading Highlights of My Senior Year Teaching Design 教材分析: The topic of this Module is Highlights of my senior high from book7 Module2. All the languages and activities are designed to serve it. The reading passage is a description of highlights of senior year from an American girl . According to the reading passage, students can learn the wonderful moments and successes in the senior year. Also from this part, students can improve their reading skills, such as skimming to get the main idea, scanning to get some important details, discussing to have a further understanding of the text, and interviewing to retell the text in their own words. 学情分析: The students are from Grade Three. They have already mastered many knowledge points and known how to express the school life . And they have also had some reading skills. However, some students don’t know how to learn efficiently. And they also feel it difficult to express what they think in English. So they need more practice to improve their reading and speaking ability. 课堂设计理念: 《普通高中英语新课程标准》(2017年版)中提出,发展学生的英语学科核心素养是普通高中英语课程的具体目标,这是以人为本教育理念在学科层面的重要体现。普通高中英语课程的育人价值是通过具体的语言学习过程逐步实现的。在这个过程中,学生基于具体的主题及语篇,主动参与语言实践活动,运用各种学习策略,学习语篇呈现的语言和文化知识,分析、理解主题意义并使用所学语言进行思考、表达和交流,逐步发展语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养。 教师要积极探索有效的教与学的方式,研究如何在教学中将语言知识转化为学生的语言运用能力,帮助学生正确理解和表达意义、意图、情感和态度,努力实践以主题意义为引领的英语学习活动观,实施深度教学,落实培养学生英语学科核心素养的目标。 Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: After the class, the students will be able to 1) Learn something about school life. 2) Learn some words and expressions. 2. Ability aims: After the class, the students will be able to 1) Improve reading ability by skimming to get the main idea, scanning to get some important details, discussing to have a further understanding of the text, and interviewing to retell the text in their own words. 2) Work individually and work in pairs. 3. Emotional aims: After the class, the students will be able to Understand the optimistic attitude toward life. Learn some go



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