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Unit 3 Language in use 1.Children usually like Christmas a lot because of Father Christmas , Santa Claus. ( 教材 P65 ) 孩子们通常因为圣诞老人而非常 喜欢圣诞节。 [ 解读 ] 此句中 because of 意为“因为 , 由于” , 其后接名词、代词 或动词 - ing 形式。 We stayed at home because of the rain. 因为下雨 , 我们待在家里。 名师解题 2. Tell me about a festival in your country. ( 教材 P65 ) 告诉我一个 你们国家的节日。 [ 解读 ] 此句中 tell 作及物动词 , 意为“讲 , 告诉” , 后面可以直接跟 宾语。 拓展 名师解题 2 .1. — Is Lingling s mother cleaning the house? — Yes, she is. 2. — Is Lingling s father making lanterns? — No, he isn t. 3. — Is Lingling s aunt cooking the meal? — No, she isn t. 4. — Is Lingling grandma sweeping the floor? — No, she isn t. 5. — Are Daming and Betty learning a lion dance? — Yes, they are. 6. — Are Lingling s family getting ready for Spring Festival? — Yes, they are. 4 .(1)are getting ready (2)are cleaning (3)are sweeping (4)is cooking (5)work (6)buy (7)get (8)eat 8 .Dear Linda, Here in China it s Spring Festival and we re getting ready.My mother is cleaning the house and my father is helping her.Usually we have a big family dinner and we watch a special TV programme in the evening to celebrate the festival. Tell me about a festival in your country. Love from, Lucy


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