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汉英译 1.汉语动词转为英语名词 要是缺少钢铁,工业的发展就会遇到很大困难。 In case of __________ of iron and steel, industry would undergo extreme difficulties in its development. 他一想到这场灾难,两腿救像有千斤重,再也动不了了。 At the __________ of the disaster his legs stiffened and could not move a step further. 练习: 1) 有的同志建议将我的核心部分 “公共财政”的内容删去。 After the lecture, there was a __________ that the part about public finance, which was the core of my speech, be deleted from my lecture notes。 一些发电厂正在 兴建。 Some power plants __________. 她酷爱英国文学。 She is __________. 正在车间里干活的工人们来 救她了。 The workers working in the workshop _______________. 我们必须把这台电动机彻底 检修一下。 We must give the motor _______________. 人们普遍 认为英语学习有捷径 . There is __________ that there is a shortcut捷(径 ) in English learning. 编辑版 word 火箭已经 用来探索宇宙。 Rockets have found _______________ for the exploration of the universe. 每当我看到那个老人,我就想起了我的父亲 ____________________ always reminds使(某人想起 ) me of my father) 读 / 了解一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。 _______________of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. 这本书反映了 30 年代的中国社会。 The book ____________________Chinese society in the 1930s. 绝对不允许违反这个原则。 ____________________ should never be allowed/tolerated. 坚持一个中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础与前提。 ____________________should serve as the basis and prerequisite前提( ) for peaceful reunification. 13) 我非常感谢我的父亲,因为在我还是小孩子的时候,他就不停的 鼓励我。 I am so grateful to my father for ____________________ during my childhood. 一切爱好和平的人们要求 禁止使用核武器。 All peace-loving people demand ____________________. 他们在工作中非常注意理论 联系实际。 In their work they pay much attention to ____________________. 人们认为历史就是 试图再现并解释过去的重大事件。 History ________________________________________the significant events of the past. 17 我向当局提出申请, 允许我在院子里开垦一块菜园。 I asked the authorities ____________________ to start a garden in the courtyard 编辑版 word 18......我们还第一次听老师 介绍了什么是语言。 ......We also ____________________ to language. 19 当我在监狱时,我曾经给我的妻子写过信,信中说, ‘玛莎,如果你想和我 离婚,我可以 理解’。 Well, when I was in jail I wrote to my wife. I said, “Martha, I understand if you __________________


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