Unity3D虚拟现实交互制作(拓展) 第九章 环境设置与交互 5.Movement in VR.docx

Unity3D虚拟现实交互制作(拓展) 第九章 环境设置与交互 5.Movement in VR.docx

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Movement in VR Along with not achieving the target frame rate - covered in the? Overview?article - movement in VR is one of the primary causes of VR sickness in users, and as such it requires careful consideration before implementing a solution in your project. This is best considered very early on in development - ideally during the concept phase - as it can heavily impact your project if your chosen movement solution is discovered to induce nausea. Nausea and comfort in VR The feeling of nausea - also known as? VR Sickness?- is partly due to the real-world user’s body being stationary while their virtual point-of-view moves around a virtual environment.? Vection?is also closely related, and should be avoided wherever possible. In general, a good rule is to avoid moving the camera unless it’s copying user movement, or this can cause problems with the? Vestibular system. Put simply, Vection is the effect of confusing the user’s brain by having conflicting signals sent from the eyes and ears, it can cause the body to assume it has been? poisoned, and thus a similar response is evoked - a rejection in the form of sickness. As with everything, there are exceptions, so do experiment and test with as wide an audience as possible to see what works with your game. Note that the issue of Vection causing nausea is something which is less apparent in VR systems which use spatial tracking, such as the room-scale HTC Vive - but this still relies on you as a developer not moving the user around the environment, and confusing the ear / eye balance. Currently the most comfortable VR experiences are stationary, usually with the user being seated. As a result, turret-style games are very popular in VR: See our Shooter 180 (Target Gallery) and Shooter 360 (Target Arena) scenes for examples of this style of game. First Person Games in VR Traditional first-person character control with mouse and WASD or gamepad frequently induces nausea, so are best avoided. If you do decide



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