科普版教本初中二年级八年级英语下册Topic 2. Im feeling better now. 3).ppt

科普版教本初中二年级八年级英语下册Topic 2. Im feeling better now. 3).ppt

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再 见 * * * * Topic 2 Im feeling better now. Unit 5 Feeling Excited Section B PPT课件 * 学习目标 一、掌握以下单词和短语:feel, someone, feeling, joke, by the way. 二、掌握重点句型: I’m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. Everyone gets these feelings at your age. I’m sure she would like to be your friend. 三、能用简单的语言表述自己或他人的情感。 四、能够给他人提供相关建议。 PPT课件 * good/bad at good/bad for worried about strict with pleased with be Review PPT课件 * Because she did badly in the exam. The mother is very ______with her daughter. The girl feels very _____. angry sad Why? PPT课件 * 1a Listen, look and say. Presentation PPT课件 * Listen to 1a and tick the problems and suggestions you hear. Suggestion 1. find others to talk to 2. have a good rest 3. make friends with Helen Problem A. feels sad B. doesn’t know how to talk with others C. failed the English exam 1b PPT课件 * Listen to 1a and try to answer the questions. Why doesn’t Li Hong talk to others? Because she is… What does Miss Wang tell her? Miss Wang tells her… PPT课件 * Li Hong is feeling sad because she _____________________. She doesn’t know how to talk with others about it. Miss Wang tells her that everyone ________________ at her age. Li Hong wants to ________________ Helen because Helen always ____________ and ______________. Miss Wang is sure Helen would like to be her friend. Li Hong is ____________ after a talk with her teacher. failed the English exam gets these feelings make friends with tells her jokes makes her laugh feeling better 1c PPT课件 * Work in pairs. Read the dialogue carefully. And then act it out. Pair work PPT课件 * 知识探究1:fail fail 及物动词, “(考试/测验)不及格,未能通过”。 fail the exam = not pass the exam“考试不及格”。 例: What will you do if you fail? 如果你考试不及格会干什么? 【拓展】fail to do sth. “未能做某事”。 PPT课件 * 知识探究2:I’m sure… 1)be sure + that 从句 “确信……” 2)be sure of + 名词 “对……有把握” 3)be sure to do sth. “一定会做某事” 例: I’m sure that he is right. 去确信他是对的。 You are sure _____ the game. 你们一定会赢得比赛。 to win PPT课件 * Helen: Hi, Li Hong! Are



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