人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册My week.ppt

人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册My week.ppt

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再 见 * My week Part C PPT课件 * Who can read the phrases quickly and correctly? (看谁读得又快又对?) PPT课件 * Clean the bedroom PPT课件 * PPT课件 * This is Xia Xue’s bedroom. It’s very messy(凌乱). PPT课件 * She is very sad(伤心). Can we help her? What are you going to do for Xia Xue? I’m going to ___________ for Xia Xue. make the bed PPT课件 * They are going to _________. He is going to _________. She is going to _________. Wash the clothes PPT课件 * watch TV do homework clean the bedroom PPT课件 * Can you do it?(你会做吗?) A: Finish the blanks.(用am, is, are填空。) I ____ going to watch TV this evening. She _____ going to go shopping. They ______ going to put away the clothes. ____ you going to make the bed? ____ he going to play the piano on the weekend? What ____ they going to do? am is are Are Is are PPT课件 * swim go shopping Find out: Who made her bedroom messy?(查出:谁把她的房间弄乱了?) PPT课件 * Who made Xia Xue’s bedroom messy? (谁把夏雪的房间弄乱了?) ? ? PPT课件 * PPT课件 * Who made Xia Xue’s room messy(凌乱)? Is it Liu Xing? No, it isn’t. PPT课件 * A:Hello, Xia Yu! B: Hi, Xia Xue! A: Where are mom and dad? B: They are in the garden. A: What are they going to do this afternoon? B: They are going to plant trees. A: Are you going to help them? B: No, I’m not. A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to the bookstore. Read the dialogue, then answer the questions. (阅读对话,然后回答问题。) PPT课件 * A: What are you going to do? B: I’m going to buy a comic book. A: I have a comic book. B: Really? Where is it? A: It’s in my bedroom. B: No, no, no, there is no comic book in your bedroom. A: Are you sure(确定)? B: Yes! I’m sure. PPT课件 * What are Xia Yu’s mom and dad going to do? _____________________________________ 2.Where is Xia Yu going? _____________________________________ 3. Is Xia Yu going to help his mom and dad? _____________________________________ 4.What is Xia Yu going to do? ____________________________________ 5. Who made Xia Xue’s bedroom messy(凌乱)? _________________



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