人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册In a nature park3.ppt

人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册In a nature park3.ppt

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Phoneme blending 1. 6人拿词首,1人ou, 4人拿词尾,面向全体同学 2. 座位上的同学,拼读出单词,如mouse。 3. 听到单词后,词首、ou、词尾迅速组合起来, 拼读出正确的单词。 4.座位上的同学用Yes或No判定对错。 练习方式: mouse Page ? * house blouse Page ? * sound pound Page ? * shout cloud Page ? * 书写练习,每个3遍 Page ? * Let’s read Page ? * This is a nice picture. There are clouds in the sky. There is a cow near the house. The cow is eating a flower. The woman is shouting at the cow. 看图,阅读,圈出文中所有含有ou和ow的单词 Page ? * This is a nice picture. There are clouds in the sky. There is a cow near the house. The cow is eating a flower. The woman is shouting at the cow. 看图,阅读,将单词的编号填入图中相应的位置 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Page ? * This is a nice picture. There are clouds in the sky. There is a cow near the house. The cow is eating a flower. The woman is shouting at the cow. Let’s read 尝试朗读这篇文段 Page ? * 再 见 Page ? * 1. 全班分成3个组Gray Cat Team, Yellow Cat Team 和 Blue Cat Team. 2.每个cat组的成员正确回答一次问题,就可以获得一只mouse 。 3.最后捉住最多mouse的小组,将获得“猫王King Cat Team”的称号。 猫捉老鼠擂台赛! Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Let’s spell in groups. 小组手指拼读单词。 Page ? * Page ? * Spelling game 游戏规则 当气球从地面升起时,迅速从中发现可以组成的单词,在气球飞出去之前说出这个单词。 Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * Page ? * 1. Spell word list(1) 小组成员一起拼读桌上的拼读材料(1) 2. Practice reading each word 3 times. 每个词练习拼读2遍。 3. Read it in a low voice. 声音较小,组内能听清楚。 Tips: Page ? * 1. Spell word list(1) 小组成员一起拼读桌上的拼读材料(1) 2. Read each word once. 每个词拼读1遍。 3. Aloud, right, quick.(奖3只mouse) 声音洪亮, 拼读正确,速度较快。 Tips: Page ? * Page ? * Tips: 1. Spell word list(2) 小组成员一起拼读桌上的拼读材料(2) 2. Practice reading each word 3 times. 每个词练习拼读2遍。 3. Read it in a low voice. 声音较小,组内能听清楚。 Page ? * Tips: 1. Spell word list(2) 小组成员一起拼读桌上的拼读材料(2) 2. Read each word once. 每个词拼读1遍。 3. Aloud, right, quick.(奖3只mouse) 声音洪亮, 拼读正确,速度较快。 Page ? *



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