人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册In a nature park4.ppt

人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册In a nature park4.ppt

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Is there a … in the park? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. PPT课件 * Let’s talk 新知呈现 PPT课件 * Task 2:Read and answer the questions: Q 1: Is there a river in the forest? Q 2:Is there a lake in the forest? PPT课件 * Answer the questions: Q 1: Is there a river in the forest? Q 2:Is there a lake in the forest? No, there isn’t. Yes, there is. And there are some small boats. PPT课件 * Task 3: Group work 1.小组合作学习,齐读对话。 (读的过程中,找出你遇到的问题,组内解决。) 2.组内分角色表演对话。 (表演时,要做到大胆,自信,声情并茂。) PPT课件 * Fill in the blanks:(填空) It’s a beautiful day. Miss White and her students are in a nature park. There is a big white ____ in the sky. There _____ a river in the park. There are many pretty fish in the ______ . Zoom is hungry. But there _______ a restaurant (饭店) beside the lake. Zip has some food to share. bird is river isn’t PPT课件 * Independent testing 2 (自主检测2) Make a new dialogue.(编写新的对话。) A:Let’s go to the …! B: Yeah/ Great! A: Is there a … in the …? B: Yes, there is. A: Cool! Let’s … PPT课件 * Love the nature! Protect the nature! 热爱自然!保护自然! PPT课件 * Part 3.Self-improvement(自我提升) Free Talk: What have you learned from this lesson?(这节课你学到了什么,有什么收获?) 我能够在情景中运用句型Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.来询问并回答某处是否有某物。 我们要像爱妈妈一样亲近大自然、热爱大自然。 …… PPT课件 * Homework Draw a nature park and describe it. (画一幅自然公园简笔画,并用英语标上各风景名称,描述它。) PPT课件 * 再 见 In A Nature Park Part A PPT课件 * I love English! I can do it! PPT课件 * Let’s Chant. The grass is green. The sky is blue. The air is clean. The day is new. The wind blows. The clouds play. The river flows. Beautiful day, beautiful day! PPT课件 * 1 我要理解新词forest, river, lake, go boating的意思,并能正确发音。 2 我要能够理解Let’s talk对话大意,能够正确朗读对话并进行角色扮演。 3 我能够在情景中运用句型Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.来询问并回答某处是否有某物。 4 我们要像爱妈妈一样亲近大自然、热爱大自然。 PPT课件 * Welcome to the Nature Park Parts: Prepare yourself (自我准备) 2. Independent study (自主学习) 3. Independent testing ( 自主检测) 4.Self-improvement (自我提升) P



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