高考英语写作how to write a survey(图表类写作).pptVIP

高考英语写作how to write a survey(图表类写作).ppt

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How to write a survey ---- write about the data;I. Read the following passage and underline the useful phrases and patterns: Recently a survey was made among Senior 3 students on physical training. According to the survey, only 35% of the surveyed students do sports. As the data shows, half of the students say they have too much homework and have not enough time to do exercise while 30% of them complain that they have no places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities. 10% feel that they live too far away from the places and some even don’t know how to take exercise. Because of the lack of physical activities, many students are in poor health. We should realize the importance of taking exercise and measures should be taken to improve the present situation.;Group A.根据题目要求点名表格/表格所反映的主题,常用句型有: ;2. 根据调查数据:;;;3. 表示层次理由:;Group C. 归纳总结或发表评论,常用短语:;1. 有50%的学生选择经理做为他们的理想职业。;;The percentage of … is the same as that of …;2007年广东高考作文题;参考范文;高三英语调研考 “基础写作”;写作内容: 开展调查的时间, 调查的对象和目的 初高中学生每年阅读量的发现 初高中学生所喜欢阅读材料方面的差异 关于初高中学生阅读量少的原因 调查结论带给我们的启示;为了更好地了解中学生的课外阅读习惯,我们 在2000名学生中进行了一次调查;Recently, we made/ conducted/ carried out a survey among 2000 students on their reading habits.; 调查内容;数据结果表达;调查内容; 调查内容; 调查结论;习惯:;病句纠错;;senior high school students show more interest in novels, classic works and science fictions. The reason why junior middle school students don’t read enough is that they are not interested in reading and as for senior high school students, their reading time is mostly taken up by home- work. Therefore, I strongly recommend that we should encourage students to read more and give them more time to read after school.;参考范文;novels, classic works and science fiction. As for why students read so little, some of the junior students said they had no interest in reading while some of the senior students complained that they had no time to read because the had so much homework to do. The findings suggest we need to encourage students


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