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读故事记2013高考词汇C8 Sitting on the grass, Brandon was staring out into nothing. Chris came over and asked what he was doing. "I'm considering what I want to be when I grow up." "And what is that?" "I want to be a train conductor. It would be perfect. You would completely control a train. The job would only consist of sitting in front of the train and going really fast. That or go into construction and build tall buildings." "That's funny. I want to be a conductor too but a different one. I want to conduct concerts." "That sounds too easy!" "Easy? It's difficult! You have to stand in front of many people and lead musicians . You have to be confident and you have to be able to concentrate on the music and be able to connect with the music and musicians. You always have to be conscious of everything around you and know the content of the music. It is considered as a very respectable profession. You can travel from continent to continent and people always congratulate you on your work. Famous people contact you because they want to know you. And you can--" "Don't continue any longer. You confuse me with all the 'connecting with peo- ple and music' nonsense, isn' t there anything else you would like to be?" "I'd like to be a powerful business woman. You can attend conferences, which contains other very powerful business people. You would have to make contacts for business and you would have control over a whole company. But the business world's work condition for women is not the best." "You have high goals and they are so complicated. Perhaps I' II be content being a cook. The only condition is you need to know how to cook and I don't know how to do that. " 布兰登坐在草地上两眼直发呆,克里斯过来问他在做什么。 "我在考虑长大了干什么。" "考虑好了吗?” "我想当一名火车司机,那多美,你可以完全控制一列火车,你只要坐在火车前面,然后跑得飞快。要么干这个,要么搞建筑,建高楼大厦。" "挺有意思。我也想当指挥,不过我这个指挥与你不同,我要指挥音乐会。" “这听起来太简单了!” "简单?它太难了!你要站在许多人面前带领一班乐师。你要自信,要有把注意力放在音乐上的能力,要能够把音乐和乐师联系起来。你得经常注意你周围的事,知道音乐的内容。它被认为是一种非常受人尊重的职业。你可以从一个洲旅行到另一个洲,人们会经常对你的演出表示祝贺。名人会与你


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