初中英语_九年级Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_九年级Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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PAGE 5 Grade 9 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B (2a-2e) Teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: Students will be able to read, spell and use the new words and phrases: weight, shoulder, goal, let… down, coach, kick… off, be hard on… besides, teammate, courage, rather than, guy, pull together, relief, nod, agreement, fault. Ability goals: Students will be able to develop some reading skills such as skimming and recognizing idioms. Sensibility and values: Students will learn the proper attitude towards mistakes. Teaching methods: Communicative Approach and Group work; Task –based teaching method Teaching aids: PowerPoint, blackboard. Teaching procedures : Steps Teacher Students 1. Lead-in Watch a video about Chinese gymnast He Kexin making a mistake at the preliminary at the 2008 Olympics Ask: Have you ever made a mistake? How did it make you feel? Two or three students share their experiences one by one. 2. Fast reading Read Para.1 and find out: What mistake did Peter make? Fill in the blanks. Ask: What mistake did Peter make? Answer: He missed scoring a goal in a soccer game. His team lost the game. Skim over the passage and decide what kind of style this passage is. Ask: Is it a narration, an instruction or a news report? Answer: It’s a narration. Read the story and number the events in the correct order. Ask students to finish 2b in their textbook. Finish 2b in their textbook and then read the sentences one by one according to the order. 3. Intensive reading Read Para. 1 and answer the question (fill in the blanks). Ask students to act it out. Ask: What was Peter like as he walked home alone? Answer: Peter kept his eyes on the ground. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders. Read Para. 1 and answer the questions. Students then choose the meanings of the two idioms in Para.1. Ask: How did Peter feel after the game and why? Ask students what the two idioms mean and then explain what English idioms are. Underline the answer in the


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