初中英语_七上Unit 6 Section B 2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_七上Unit 6 Section B 2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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PAGE 4 PAGE 崂山六中基于问题式小组合作教学案 班级 7 年级 6 班 组别 英语 姓名 课题 U6 Section B 2a-2c 主备 课时 4 学 习 目 标 Words 1.名词: 1) breakfast, lunch, star ,habit, 2) 拓展:health,unhealthy,spaghetti,soup 2.动词: eat , want ,be 3.形容词:healthy --unhealthy, fatthin 4.副词: well 二.Sentences 1. Sports star eats well. 2. What do you like for breakfast/lunch/ dinner ? 3. I think it’s healthy/not healthy/unhealthy. 4. I don’t want to be fat. 重点:1)继续学习运用有关食物的词汇并能按食品、水果和蔬菜进行分类总结。 2)就食物的话题开展听、说、读、写技能的训练,扩大词汇量,促进学生语言运用能力的提高 难点: 阅读有关饮食方面的材料,并能获得且记住相关信息,提高综合运用英语的能力. 教学过程 策略 课前预习 1. Write down the words about fruit , vegetables and meat, who will be the winner? 1).Fruit: __________________________________________ 2).Vegetables: _________________________________________ 3).Meat: __________________________________________ 4)other food:_____________________________ 2. Translate.(请注意划线部分) 1). Sports stat eats well. 2). What do you like for breakfast/lunch/ dinner ? 3). I think it’s healthy/not healthy/ unhealthy. 4). I don’t want to be fat. 课堂导学 一、课堂导入 1. Watch a video , try to find the food words. 2. Show the picture about the volleyball star, lead in the article. 二、合作探究 Step 1 Predicting 1. Before reading, predict the job. 2. Guess:Does she eat healthy food? Step 2 Careful reading Read and fill in the chart. Step 3 Summary 1. How to ask questions about your 3 meals? 2. Sum up new words and base sentences of this class. Step 4 Interview Step 5 Test Step 6 Homework 分层作业 1: 1号,下面表格是简一日三餐的爱好,请根据此表写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一下他的饮食习惯。首句已给出,不计入总词数。 Meals ? ? Breakfast eggs, bananas, bread pears, milk Lunch Hamburgers, apples salad Dinner chicken, tomatoes French fries Jane has a healthy eating habits.__________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2: 2号3号,For breakfast, I like ________, but I don’t like ______. For lunch, _______________________.And for di



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