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give v. [g?v] ( gives; gave, given; giving );give away(v.+adv.) 1.送掉; 赠予; 颁发 give sth free of charge; give sb a present or prize of sth ▲give sth ? away She decided to give these old clothes away.她决定把这些旧衣服送给别 人。 We have invited a famous former student to give away the prizes.我们 邀请了一位知名校友来颁发奖品。 He only gave away a small part of his fortune.他只捐赠了小部分家产。 ▲give sth ? away to sb/sth He gave away most of his fortune to the poor.他把他大部分财产都送给 了穷人。 He gave away a lot of clothes to the people of the flooded area.他向水 灾地区??人民捐了许多衣物。 They gave away a large sum of money to the people of a poverty-stricken area.他们向贫困地区人民捐赠了一大笔钱。 2.泄露; 告发 tell a secret; inform against sb ▲give sb/sth ? away He didn't want to give his comrades away.他不愿背弃他的同志们。 Don't give away the ending of the story.别把故事结尾说出来。 He was arrested for having given away state secrets.他因泄漏国家机密 而被捕。 用于 be ~ed 结构 He was given away by one of his accomplices.他被一个同伙出卖了。 3.失去; 丧失; 抛弃 lose or waste sth carelessly ▲give sth ? away You've given away a good chance of success.你失去了一次获取成功的 良机。;4.(在婚礼仪式中)将新娘交给新郎 in a marriage ceremony, present the bride ritually to the bridegroom ▲give sb ? away Mr. Jackson gave away his daughter.杰克逊先生将女儿交给新郎。 ? ? give back(v.+adv.) 1.归还; 恢复 return or repay sth to its owner; give sth again to sb ▲give sb/sth ? back It isn't mine; I must give it back to the owner.这不是我的,我得把它归还 原主。 I hope that the holiday will give back my good spirits.我希望假日能使我 的心情好转。 Living here has given me back my health.在这里居住使我恢复了健康。 用于 be ~ed 结构 He asked for, but never was given back, his Olympic Prizes.他要求发还 给他奥林匹克奖牌,但最终也未能要回。 2.后退 stand back ▲give back Give back there, the express is due.往后退,快车就要进站了。 The soldier around the door gave back to let the general through.门前的 士兵纷纷闪开让将军通过。 ? ?;give forth(v.+adv.) 发出,发表 send forth; emit; issue ▲give forth sth On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an almost intoxicating scent.夏日的傍晚,鲜花散发出醉人的芳香。 She gave forth the same view at the meeting.她在会上发表了同样的观 点。 ? ? give in(v.+adv.) 屈服; 投降; 让步 yield;


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