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PAGE / NUMPAGES 全国小学毕业升学试题 真题演练 第一部分: 听力(30分) = 1 \* ROMAN I.听录音,选出听到的一项。每小题听两遍。10’(广东卷) ( )1. A. land B. lamb C. lamp ( )2. A. March B. much C. match ( )3. A. listen B. lesson C. season ( )4.A B. C.( )5.A. TBS B. DPS C. TPS ( )6. A. sore B. so C. son ( )7.A. on the map B. on the right C. on the bike ( )8. A. take a trip B. take a ship C. take a sheep ( )9. A. go to school B. go to bed C. go home ( )10. A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. Happy birthday to you! = 2 \* ROMAN II.听录音,选择与所听到的句子意思相近的句子。每小题听两遍。10’(广东卷) ( )1. A. John is the oldest in his class. B. John is helpful in his class. ( )2.A. Henry lives next to us. B. Henry lives far from us. ( )3.A. His father is a doctor. B. His father is a teacher. ( )4.A.Jenny likes meat. B. Jenny likes vegetables. ( )5. A. Mr. White was born in April. B. Mr. White was born in March. ( )6. A. Betty is busy. B. Betty is free. ( )7. A. Dick collects fifty stamps. B. Dick collects one hundred stamps. ( )8. A. The fruit stand is in front of the bookstore. B. The fruit stand is behind the bookstore. ( )9.A. I go to school by bike. B. I go to school by bus. ( )10. A. I want to be a doctor. B. I want to be a teacher. = 3 \* ROMAN III. 听录音,完成下列对话。10’(江苏卷) A. Excuse me, is there a near here? B. Yes. It is about three kilometers away. You’d better take a bus. A. Which bus shall I take? B. Bus 12. It’ll take you right there. A. How are there? B. Only four. A. the bus stop? B. It’s . There is a bus minutes. A. Thank you very much. 第二部分: 笔试(70分) = 4 \* ROMAN IV. 请找出划线部分读音不同的单词。(10’) ( )1. A. tea B. meat


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