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保安英文自我评价 保安英文自我评价篇一 New Year New Years bell has sounded in 20xx, has become the past, 20xx, prelude has been opened, I entered one hundred prosperous department review the work of nearly two years, a lot can be said results benefited a lot, a lot of experience, but there are also many problems. In order to do a better job in the future of the work, in accordance with the requirements of leadership, is now working for the year 20xx are summarized as follows: First, we first increased the control room leading up supervision to really play the role of eye, to strengthen the control room training and guidance, in cooperation with the existing high-tech equipment to fully play its unique role, to identify problems, provide accurate clues to combating doodle in the elevator, just posting small ads offenses provided strong support. In particular, in the elevator when the accident occurred, to assist the security team to rescue passengers trapped in the elevator of all kinds played a positive role irreplaceable. Second, in order to actually strong resilience handling all players to improve the timely processing of unexpected level of quality, with the active cooperation to assist the unit, we security brigade staff and relevant departments organized several fire training, and repeatedlyconvening technical guidance and fire literacy will make the fire, fire awareness and practical level players like the fall of Antioch handling has been greatly improved, it laid the foundation for strengthening the work


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