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BP 辩 手 职 责 及 评 分 标 准 Speaker辩手 Speaker 辩手 角色及职责 "PrimeMi nister"or "Leader of the Gover nmen t" "Prime Mi nister"or "Leader of the Gover nmen t" 首相”或正 方领袖” "Leader of theoppositi on" "Leader of the oppositi on" 反方领袖” The Opening Opposition's primary team role is to coun ter the first Propositi on team's case through direct or in direct refutati on an d/or provide substa ntive argume nt aga inst the moti on. 反方开篇陈述的目的在于,直接或间接地驳斥正 方提出的案例,或通过提出确凿的论据,反驳辩 题。 "DeputyPrime "Deputy Prime Min ister" 副首相' "Deputy Leader of the Oppositi on" 反方第二领 袖” "Member of the Gover nment" 正方成员” This speaker should refute the leader of the Oppositi on's speech,a nd further develop the Openi Propositi on team's case. 辩手应该驳斥反方领袖的发言,并进一步加强 首相”提出的内容。 This speaker supports his or her teammate,a nswerir objecti ons from the other side and in troduc ing additi onal argume nts or support. 辩手应支持他/她的队友,答复对方辩手提出的疑] 问并且在驳论中添加新论点。 This speaker should support the positi on developed by the Opening Propositi on team by in troduc ing an exte nsion. A successful exte nsion will develop a disti net argume nt ide ntity for the Clos ing Propositi on Member of the Propositi on may also refute the argume nts made by the Deputy Leader of the Oppositi on. 辩手应该通过引入一个延展案例来支持正方开篇 陈述队伍的立场。一个有力的延展案例应该提出 一个与正方一、二辩手完全不同的自己的理论, 同时此理论也对其产生支持。正方选手也可以反 驳反方第二领袖提出的观点。 "Member of the Oppositi on" 反方成员” This speaker should support the positi on developed by the Opening Oppositi on ream and must also in troduce an with the Member Propositi on ,the Member Oppositi on's exte nsion will be most successful if it establishes a unique argument identity that distinguishes the Closing from the Opening Opposition while continuing the general directi on of argume nt in itiated by the Opening member Oppositi on may also directly or in directly refute the argume nts of the Member Propositi on. 辩手应该支持反方一、一辩手的立场,并且必须 引入新的延展。与正方辩手一样,反方辩手独特 的延展案例应与反方一、二辩手提出的完全不 同,但同时仍然在大方向上与他/她们的观点一 |致。反方辩手同样也可以直接或间接地反驳正方 辩手的论述。 "Gover nment Whip" “正方党鞭” This


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