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楷模 100 生活书故事精选 (报送 47 个) 100 Inspiring Stories for Life (47 submitted) 1、学会沉淀自己 1. Learn to Settle Yourself 麦克失业后,心情糟透了。为了排解心中的苦闷,他找到了镇上的牧师。牧师听完了麦克的诉说,把 他带进一个古旧的小屋,屋子里惟一的一张桌上放着一杯水。牧师微笑着说: “你看这只杯子,它已 经放在这儿很久了,几乎每天都有灰尘落在里面,但它依然澄清透明。你知道是为什么吗? ”麦克认 真思索,像是要看穿这杯子。他忽然说: “我懂了,所有的灰尘都沉淀到杯子底了。 ”牧师赞同地点点 头: “年轻人,生活中烦心的事很多,有些你越想忘掉越不易忘掉,那就记住它好了。就像这杯水, 如果你厌恶地振荡自己,会使整杯水都不得安宁,混浊一片,这是多么愚蠢的行为。而如果你愿意慢 慢地、静静地让它们沉淀下来,用宽广的胸怀去容纳它们,这样,心灵并未因此受到污染,反而更加 纯净了。 ” Mike was laid off. He felt terrible. To pour out his grievance, he went to the priest in the town. The priest led Mike into an old cabin after Mike finished his last word. In the cabin, there was a table, on which is a glass of water. The priest smiled and said:  “ This glass of water has been here for a long time. Everyday it catches dusts. But look  , it?s still crystal clear. Do you know why?  stared”Mikeat the glass,  thinking  hard,  as if he would  penetrate  it with his eyes.  “I see ”, he said suddenly, “ Because the dusts  have  settled  to the bottom  of the glass.  ”The priest nodded  in agreement: “ Thereare many annoying things in one?s life , young man. When you try hard to forget them, they become harder to forget. Then why not let them stay in your memory? Just like this glass of water. If you keep shaking it with hatred, it will be disturbed and muddy. What a stupid thing to do! But if you are patient enough to let the dusts settle slowly and quietly, broadminded enough to accept them, then your soul will never be disturbed, rather, it becomes clearer . ” 点评: 斤斤计较的人,一生只得两斤。大海之所以成为大海,只因为它比所有的河流都低。 Comment: A man haggling over every ounce will get little. The sea is lower than all the other rivers. That ?s why it becomes a sea. 对着大山喊话的孩子 2 The Boy Shouting to the Mountain 有一个孩子跑到山上, 无意间对着山谷喊了一声: “喂 ”声音刚落, 从四面八方传来了阵阵 “喂 ” 的回声。大山答应了。孩子很惊讶,又喊了一声: “你是谁? ”大山也回音: “你是谁? ”孩子喊: “为什 么不告诉我? ”大山也说: “为什么不告诉我? ”孩子忍不住生气了,喊道: “我恨你。 ”他哪里知道这一 喊不得了,整个世界传来的声音都是: “我恨你,我恨你 ”孩子哭着跑回家,告诉了妈妈,妈妈对 孩子说: “孩子,你回去对着大山喊 ,我



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