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2017年 12月大学英语 四级考试真题(三)答案与详解 如何处理好 ^ 患 关 系 ? 结构框图: ■ 第i 段提出观点:相互理解可以使医生与患者和谐相处。 /■ \ Mutual Understanding - © I 第2段具体分析:医生和患者要站在对方的立场考虑才能实现相互理解。 ; Is Important ■ j -〇i 第3段重申观点:最有效的处理医患关系的良方就是相互理解。 范文点评: 参考范文 名师点评 Mutual Understanding Is Important 【1】 When we talk about the relationship between doctors and 【1】幵门见山,引人话题:关 于医患关系 patients, what comes into our mind is generally negative news. 的负面新闻很多。 t 23 However, I believe there is a way for doctors and patients to get 【2】亮明观点:相互理解可以使医生与 along harmoniously with each other, that is, mutual understanding. 患者和谐相处。 【3】 On the one hand, patients are helpless and worried when 【3】【4 】用 On the one hand 和 On the they go to hospital. So the doctors1 attitude or response is critically other hand 分 别从患者和医生的角 important for them and their family. [4J On the other hand, 度分析各自处境,层次分明。 doctors have to fa ce 【5】 so many patients every day that they even 【5】so . th a t 固定句型的运用给 文章 have no time to take a rest. Such high work pressure could drive a 加分。 man crazy. Thus, if they can stand in each other’s shoes, most problems could be solved. 【6】Otherwise, a doctor’s hasty 【6】反向论证 ,进 一步分析相互理解的 diagnoses about the condition of patients might be regarded as 重要性。 irresponsible and result into conflicts. Nowadays, many efforts have been made to ease the tensi


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