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摘要 本次设计为日处理5000吨的啤洒废水的污水厂设计。是在前期的城镇污水 厂设计基础上的工业污水处理设计。啤酒废水有:COD, BOD等值较高,但是水量 较小的特点。本次设计原进水指标为COD: 1500mg/L; B0D5: 800mg/L; SS: 400mg/L ; NH3-N: 45mg/L; TP: 6mg/L; pH: 6~7。处理后将达到 COD: 60 mg/L; B0D5: ^20 mg/L; SS: ^20 mg/L; NII3-N: ^15 mg/L; TP: Wlmg/L; pH: 5~11。 设计厂区布置要求:根据厂方提供的资料,废水处理站拟建在生产区以北,现 有空地,场地基本平整,土质良好。废水通过厂区暗渠排入废水处理站,渠底标 高为453. 50 m;经处理后的水直接排放,受纳水体洪水位标高为397mo拟建地 夏季主导风向西南风,年平均气温13. 4摄氏度,极端最高气温40. 9摄氏度,极 端最低气温-11?7摄氏度,最大冻土深度为0. 5mo 总设计流程考虑用厌氧加好氧的方案,厌氧工艺选定为UASBo UASB设备简 单,运行方便,勿需设沉淀池和污泥回流装置,不需要充填填料,也不需在反应 区内设机械搅拌装置,造价相对较低,便于管理,且不存在堵塞问题。UASB运 行实例多,所以在经济效益和处理效率综合因索考虑选定UAS Bo 在好氧段的处理现主要分析氧化沟与S BR的工艺比较。经比较SBR有以下 优势:1?在单位电耗上,氧化沟均大于同等规模类型的SBR。且不同规模的SBR, 其单位电耗基本相当。2?在总成本上,对于0?2万吨/天的污水厂氧化沟耍高 于SBR,本次设计水量为5000吨,故选用SBR成本低。另外在占地而积以及基 建投资方面SBR占明显优势,所以好氧阶段将选用SBR。 最终确定简易流程图: {调节沉淀池| Tuas3——出水刁 出泥吹水泮 ? 庄連 y 庄連 y图1.1 啤酒废水处理工艺流程图 上看液 Abstract This design is one beer waste water treatment- The degree of the design is in a preliminary phase. The main distinguishing feature of the beer waste water is that it contains the massive organic matters, so it belongs to the high concentration organic waste water, therefore its biochemical oxygen demand is also high. The water which needs to treatment in the beer waste water treatment plant is 5000m3 Id , regardless of the specified future development. Various target in the raw waste water is: the concentration of BOD is 8()0mg/L, the concentration of COD is 1500rng/L, the concentration of SS is 400mg/L. For the beer waste waters BOD is high, it could pollute the enviroment if drained before treatment, so it request the beer waste water which drained must be strictly treated to the two effluence standard in the country, which is as following: BODW20mg/ L, CODW60mg/ L, SSW20mg/ L. After the analysis, the quality of this processing water belongs to the waste water that easy biology degrade and not have the obvious poison, could use two levels of biological treatments to cause the water drained meet the designated standard. First level of


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