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路漫漫其修远兮吾将上下而求索 路漫漫其修远兮吾将上下而求索 成才之路?英语 人教版?选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 话题引入 East meets West in a unique blend of cultural characteristics in Macau, a destination on the southeast coast of China that holds particular appeal to the US travelers thanks to its accessibility, its dash of Western culture and much, much more One peninsula and two islands comprise Macau, which may be tiny but is still greatly packed with attractions. Americans interested in innovative architectural wonder Travelers from the US should be cheered to learn that Macau is not a complicated destination to reach ? One of the easiest ways to get there is to fly into Hong Kong and then hop on a highspeed ferry ride that will take you to Macau in under an hour. This way, you don't have to deal with customs? Another option is to fly to Shanghai and then take a twohour flight from there to Macau. Many visitors find that the steps they undertake to travel to Macau turn out to be wall \A/nrth it nnm thav/Va thorn Pnrmarlv/ a Whether you're interested in walking, shopping, eating or learning about the area's unmatched heritage-which has earned it a designation as a UNESCO World Heritage site-Macau can provide the basis for a breathtaking and most memorable trip. A diverse selection of shopping options waits the visitors to Macau, too, with wonderful jewelry, silk clothing and a wide series of electronics for sale at reasonable ■ A trip to Macau is easy to plan. To get started, visit http : //visitmacauchina. com and make your reservations today for a special trip across the Pacific that you're not likely to forget. ■文章大意:位于中国的东南沿海兼有东方与 西方文化特色的澳门,对游客有着特殊的吸 弓I力。本文为我们介绍了澳门旅游景点的一 些情况。 1 ? American visitors will be amazed at all the following wonders except . A. Willamette Valley B. Portuguese piazzas C? Buddhist temples D. colonial buildings ■答案:A细节理解题。根据文中第二段的 第二句话可以得知,A项“维拉美特谷”不 是澳门的旅游景点,故予以排除。对创新建 筑奇迹感兴趣的美国游客会惊叹于“葡萄牙 广场” “佛教寺庙”以及“殖民建筑”,故 2. From the passage we know that . A. it will be simple for the U



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