九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Literature Lesson 13 Anne of Green Gables课件 (新版)北师大版.pptx

九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Literature Lesson 13 Anne of Green Gables课件 (新版)北师大版.pptx

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Unit 5 Lesson 13 Anne of Green GablesGetting ReadyLook and talk about what they mean.Think about what literature is.many kinds of bookstelling storiesreadingbooks about ancient storiesWhat is literature?fairytalestorynovelshort storyLiteratureplayscience fictionpoem1 Look at the Key words. What kind of literature do you like?Warm-upKey Words: Types of literaturefairytale, novel, play, poem, science fiction, short story, storyExample Science fiction is my favourite.2 Talk with your partner about the following questions.1 What kind of stories do you like best?2 Do you like plays? Have you ever been in a play?3 Who is your favourite writer? Why?ReadingWhat do you know about Anne of GreenGables?What do you know about the writer?享誉世界的加拿大女作家,擅长小说创作。代表作品为《绿山墙的安妮》,被誉为“世界上最甜蜜的少女成长故事”。马克·吐温评价道“安妮是继不朽的爱丽丝之后最令人感动和喜爱的形象”。露西·莫德·蒙哥马利(1874-1942)What do you know about this story?《绿山墙的安妮》是讲述一个孤儿长大成人的故事。这是一部甜蜜的描写儿童生活的小说,是一本感动家长、老师和孩子的心灵读本。马修和玛瑞娜兄妹俩在绿山墙过着平淡从容的生活。为了给患有心脏病的马修找个帮手,他们打算从孤儿院收养一个男孩,不料阴差阳错,孤儿院送来的竟是一个满头红发、满脸雀斑、整天喋喋不休、沉迷于幻想的十一岁女孩安妮。 安妮天真热情,满脑子都是浪漫的想象。在她的想象中,有古怪的名字,顽皮的小溪在冰雪覆盖下欢笑;玫瑰会说话,会给她讲很多有趣的故事;自己的影子和回声是自己的两个知心朋友,可以诉说心事…… 然而,由于酷爱幻想以及拥有一颗“爱美之心”,安妮给自己惹来了一连串的麻烦,她不断地闯祸,也不断改正错误。在朋友、家人和老师的关爱中,小孤女安妮渐渐变成了绿山墙中,一个快乐成长的小主人。Skim the text. What is the story about? It is the story of a young girl named Anne who comes to live with a man named Matthew. The man usually doesn’t like to talk, but the girl does.Read again and check the sentences with T or F.FMr. Matthew said that he enjoyed the journey to Bright River.Mr. Matthew was waiting for the 6:00 train.The girl started the conversation with Mr. Matthew.Anne was shy when she saw Mr. Matthew.Mr. Matthew didn’t mind Anne talking so much.FTFTRead the text and complete the table.5: 30Matthew Time: ________Characters: _______,_________, ________Place: __________Plot: -Matthew felt _________ to see Anne because he was waiting for a _________.-________ started a conversation.-Matthew __________________________ ________with Anne.managerAnneBrigh



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