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城市轨道交通是一个国家综合国力、城市经济实力、公众生活水 平及现代化程度的重要标志。安全对城市轨道交通企业尤为重要。随 着城市交通的发展,一方面地铁施工的快速推进,使地铁安全建设关 系着城市的发展,另一方面地铁的安全运营如何防止火灾、防止恐怖 袭击、防止自杀等事故一直是人们关注的热点。对这样庞大而繁忙的 交通系统来说,安全是头等大事。 本论文阐述了安全的含义、规律,和对城市轨道交通的重要性, 对地铁恐怖袭击做了定义和分析,和应对的办法,例如安全检查等等, 并结合地铁及地下工程建设环境安全风险管理现状,介绍了地铁施 工安全风险源分布现状及与结构的相互影响,阐述了地铁建设领域 安全风险管理分级和评估体系,以及安全风险的控制标准和监测方 案的实施。 关键字:城市轨道交通,恐怖袭击,安全检查,风险评估 The safety of urban rail transit discussion ABSTRACT Urban rail transit is a national comprehensive national strength, economic strength, the city, the public living standards and an important indicator of the degree of modernization. Safety of urban rail transport enterprises is particularly important. With the development of urban transport, on the one hand the rapid advance of subway construction, the construction of subway security relationship between the development of the city, on the other hand to prevent the safe operation of the subway fire, to prevent terrorist attacks, accidents such as the prevention of suicide has been the focus of attention ? On such a large and busy transport system, security is a priority. This paper describes the meaning of security, law, and the importance of urban rail transport, terrorist attacks made on MTR definition and analysis, and response measures, such as safety checks, etc., combined with construction of subway and underground environmental security risk Management status, describes the source distribution subway construction safety risk status and the interaction with the structure, described the field of security risk management subway construction grading and evaluation system, and security risk control standards and monitoring program implementation. Key words: Rail transit, terrorist attacks, ecurity checks, risk assessment 城市轨道交通的安全探讨 田宗 1绪论 1.1安全的含义 安全是一种状态,即通过持续的危险识别和风险管理过程,将人 员伤害或财产损失的风险降低至并保持在可接受的水平或其以下。 1.2安全的规律 安全管理的对象是风险,管理的结果要么是安全,要么是事故。 我们说“安全的规律”,确切地说,就是事故发生的规律,就是事故 是怎么发生的。世间的事都有个前因后果,事故这个结果也有原因, 原因就在于事故相关的各个环节,就是说,事故是一系列事件发生的 后果。这些事件是一系列的,一件接一件发生的,


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