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--------------------------------------------------------------- 最新资料推荐 ------------------------------------------------------ “小学英语课堂教学活动设计层次性的研究”课题 小学英语课堂教学活动设计层次性的研究课题 课 堂教学层次 性的活动设计案例 姓名 顾亚芬 任教年级、学科 五英 教龄 16 时间 2019.10.28 教学内容 (课题) Unit 8 A camping trip (the first period) 活动设计 设计意图 Step 1 Free talk 1.Greetings. 2. Free talk: T: Hello, boys and girls, look out of the window. Whats the weather like today? How do you feel?(Its a day. I feel cool.) T: Thats true. Its Autumn now.( 课件出示秋天图片 ) It is not too cold or too hot. Do you like autumn? T:I like autumn very much. It is a good season for a camping trip. ( 课件出示野营场景图片。 ) On sunny days in autumn, going on a camping trip is my favourite. Learn the title: (课件出示 A camping trip 野营旅 行 ) Cat lamp---camp , camping tree, ship---trip Ss: chain-exercise Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. T: Do you like camping trip? If we want to go on a camping trip. Think:Where can we go in ChangZhou? T:How about Qingfeng Park?( 课件出示清枫公园,淹城动物园等图片 ) 2. T: Wow,we can go on a camping trip in many places. What can we do there?( 课件 演示一些野营活动图片,帮助学生感悟回答 ) 3. T: See, yes Wecan do many interesting things during the camping trip and have 1/18 great fun.But to go on a camping.We need a lot of things.Please look and think: What do we need for a camping trip? 4. T: Now we know we need a lot of things for a camping trip: For exmple :Something to eat. Something to drink. Something to play. AndI think we need something to use,too. 1).T: For a camping trip we usually need some tins. Becausethey are easy to take. (  课件演示并学习单词  tin tins  。 )T: But how do we open  围绕 camping trip  的 主题,我引导 学生从已有的生活经验出发,展开讨论。 在谈论中让学生了解野营需要物品: 各种食物,开启罐头  需 要  的  tin  opener  ,cooking  时需要的 pot  和  stove  ,睡觉时需要的  tent  和  blankets  ,看星星  需 要 telescope  等。 这些新授的单词在师生交谈中自然地逐一呈现,并在展示物品的 环节中呈现并使用新句 型 I have 。 这样的新知呈现淡化了学生上课的意识,强化了主体意识和生活 意识。 语言是思维的重要工具,孩子习得母语是与其思  them? I think we need a tin-opener(  课件出示开罐器,  tin-opener  学生试着自己 读出新单词  ) 


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