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培养基及培养条件对青钱柳愈伤组织生长和黄酮含量的影响 上官新晨,郭春兰,杨武英,蒋艳,沈勇根 (江西农业大学植物资源开发与利用研究室,江两南昌330045) 摘要:在固体培养条件下,研究了不同外植体来源、培养基、植物激索、接种量、培养时间对 青钱柳愈伤组织生长和黄酮含量的煤响?结果表明:①不同外植体来源的愈伤组织增长量茎段 大于叶片,而黄酮含量叶片大于茎段;②8种基本培养基屮,改良MS培养基上的愈伤组织增长 量及黄酗含量均显著高于加它培养基;③促进青钱柳愈伤组织增长量和黄酗含最积累的最佳 激素纟R合为:1.0 mg?L-1KT+0.5 mg?L-12, 4-D +0.3 mg?L-1NAA;@愈伤组织增长量最大时 的接种量为0.65 g;⑤愈伤组织培养至12 d增长量最大,培养16 d,黄酮含量达最高值. 关键词:青钱柳;愈伤组织;黄酮含量中图分类号:Q943.1文献标识码:A文章编 号:1671 -5470(2006)06-0588-05 Effects of basicm edia and culture conditions on callus growth and flavonoid content of Cyclocarya paliurusSHANGGUAN Xin-chen, GUO Chun-Ian, YANGWu-ying, JIANG Yan, SHEN Yong-gen(PlantResources Exploitation and Utilization Laboratory, JiangxiAgriculturalUniversity, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330045, China) Abstract:Under the solid culture conditions, the effects of source of explants, medium, phytohormone, inoculating quantity and culture days on growth of calli and contentof flavonoid inCyclocarya paliuruswere studied. The results showed as follows. The cal-lus growth quantity from different explant source in stem was higher than that in lea,f but the flavonoid content in leafwas higher than that in stem. Of eight sorts of basic mediums, the callus growth quantity and flavonoid content in the improvedMS medium were significantly higher than those in the othermediums. The optimal hormone combination promoting the callus growth and fla-vonoid content accumulation was 1. 0 mg ? LJKT+0. 5 mg ? L-12, 4-D+O. 3 mg ? L-1NAA? When the callus growth quantitywas the highest, the inoculation quantitywas 0? 65 g. The callus growth quantitywas the higheston the 12th day, and the flavonoidcontent reached the peah value on the 16th day.Key words:Cyclocarya paliurus; callus; flavonoid content 青钱柳[Cyclocarya paliurus(Bata.l ) Iljinskaja]为胡桃科(Juglandaceae) h 钱柳属落叶乔木 [1],是我国特有的珍稀单种属植物,国家重点保护濒危植物z—,乂名摇钱树、麻柳、青钱李等, 广泛分布于我国广东、广西、福建、台湾、浙江、江苏、安徽、江西、湖南、陕西、四川、 云南、贵州等省区的海拔420-2500 m的山区、溪谷或石灰岩山地[2].长期以來,江西民间取具 叶制茶作饮料,据《屮国屮药资源志要》[3]记载,加树叶、树皮、树根可入药.青钱柳又是我国 特有的保健食品资源?其水提物具有生津止渴、清热解毒、降低血糖


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