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Eddie tells Hobo that he is old _____ to learn about manners. Hobo doesn’t ___________what Eddie means. Eddie starts to _____ hobo some good manners. First, Eddie asks Hobo to always _____ things with others. While saying so, he takes the _____ from Hobo’s hand. Hobo is surprised, and he shouts, “Hey! That’s my ____ !” But Eddie asks Hobo to always _____ politely instead of _____ in on others. Hobo is very _____ . He thinks Eddie should learn about manners too. 1. Recite the two conversations. 2. Remember the new words and phrases by heart. 1. You’re old enough to learn about manners now. 现在你够大了可以学礼仪了。 adj. + enough to do sth. 足够……做某事 e.g. Tom is strong enough to lift the box. She is rich enough to buy this car. 2. good manners 好的礼仪 3. cut in on others 打断别人的话 4. wait politely 有礼貌地等 5. You’re never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 6. drop litter everywhere 到处扔垃圾 7. leave the tap running 没关水龙头 leave v. 让……处于(某种状态) e.g. Don’t leave the tap running. 不要让水龙头一直开着。 8. queue for your turn 排队等侯 turn n. 轮流, (轮流)的顺序 e.g. Please wait your turn. 请等着轮到你。 9. I’m afraid not. 恐怕不能。 * good manners n. [复] 礼貌, 礼仪; 规矩 cut in (on sb./sth.) 打断(谈话),插嘴 politely adv. 礼貌地 litter n. 垃圾, 杂物 tap n. 水龙头; 旋塞 run vi. 流动 pick apples vt. 采,摘 We must obey the traffic rules. vt. vi. 遵守, 顺从 queue vi. (人、车等)排队等侯 *manners *eh cut in (on sb./sth.) politely litter *tap run pick *obey *queue n. [复]礼貌,礼仪,规矩 excl. 嗯,什么,啊 打断(谈话),插嘴 adv. 礼貌地 n. 垃圾,杂物 n. 水龙头;旋塞 vi. 流动 vt. 采,摘 vt. vi. 遵守,顺从 vi.(人、车等)排队等候 Words review Good manners are very important to everyone. Eddie and Hobo are discussing about manners. Let’s watch the video and answer the following questions. 1. Do you think Eddie really wants to teach Hobo? No. 2. What does Eddie teach Hobo? First, always share things with others. Second, don’t cut in on others. Always wait politely. 3. What does Eddie really wa



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