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U5短语 1.好的餐桌礼仪 good table manners 2.教学生吃饭的规矩 teach students rules for eating 3.这个讲座的目的 the purpose of the talk 4.发出太多的噪声make too much noise 5.吃喝时 while eating or drinking 6.确保 make sure 7.等每一个人结束wait for everyone to finish 8.在就餐 at table9.在餐桌旁 at the table 10.举行一个讲座hold a talk11.举行,发生take place 12.在学校大礼堂 at the school hall 13.许多建议much advice /a lot of advice 14.觉得他们有用find them useful 15.首先,尤其是 above all 16.客人和主人都 both guests and hosts 17.使他的梦想实现 make his dream(s) come true 18.在多年的努力工作之后after years’ of hard work 19.公共标志public signs 20.在公共场合in public places 22.颜色明亮 bright in colors 23.向某人解释某事explain sth to sb. 24.给我们有用的信息give us useful information 25.帮助我们找到路help us find the way 26.使我们安全远离危险keep us safe from danger 27.警告某人不要做某事warn sb not to do sth 28.禁止吸烟no smoking 29.禁止拍照no photos 30.禁止停车no parking 31.禁止乱扔垃圾no littering 32.像医院和博物馆这样的公共场所 public places like hospitals and museums 33.帮助解释事情help explain things 34.他们中的大部分most of them 35.一个例子an example 36.例如for example/such as 37.一幅著名的Picasso的画 a famous painting by Picasso 38.给它拍张照take a photo of it 39.参加讨论join the discussion 40.清楚的表达他自己express himself clearly 41.写下所有的要点write down all the main points 42.把它写下来 write it down 43.忙于她的舞蹈课be busy with her dancing lessons 44.听收音机listen to the radio 45.在公共场所排队 queue in public 46.太。。。而不能too …to 告诉我们在我们周围的地方。 tell us about the places around us 47.避免谈论年龄avoid talking about age 48.避免像年龄和体重这样的话题 avoid subjects like age and weight 49.在一个陌生的地方in a strange place 50.像当地人那样做 do as the local people do 51.互相问候 greet each other 52.提高我们的礼仪improve our manners 53.排队等。。queue for 54.意外,偶然,碰巧 by accident/by chance 55.做某事正确的方式 the proper way to do 56.向。问好/说再见/道歉say hello/goodbye/sorry to 57.问候某人 greet sb 58.和某人握手 shake one’s hand /shake hands with 59.第一次for the first time 60.用一个亲吻问候人 greet sb with a kiss 61.问候亲戚或亲密的朋友greet relatives or close friends 62.开始一个谈话start a conversation 63.在公共场合表现的有礼貌behave politely in public 64.在别人面前插队push (c



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