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我国民营银行发展:障碍及对策 王 睿 (湖南大学金融学院 410079 ) 0731-4881287[摘 要]民营银行问题是近几年理论界讨论较多的一个问题,对于该问题,目前仍存在一些 争议。但从总体发展趋势上看,发展民营银行,打破我国金融垄断局面已在众多经济学者 和金融专家中形成一种共识。本文从理论出发,以产权理论与有效需求理论为基础,说明 发展民营银行的必要性。在此基础上,本文从民营银行发展的配套环境,现有金融运行体 制,国家效用函数以及其自身劣势内外两方面分析了阻碍我国民营银行发展的主要障碍。 由此提出要建立存款保险制度,合理制定有关法规,优化政策环境,采取渐进式战略等对 策建议。 [关键词]民营银行,金融运行体制,国家效用函数,渐进式战略,存款保险制度 [Abstract] The private bank question is an issue which has been discussed by the theory circle in recent years? To this question, there still are some disputes at present. But seeing from overall development trend, it has fonned a kind of common understanding among numerous economic scholars and financial experts already to develop private banks in order to break the finance monopoly of our country. This paper proceeds from property right theory and effective demand theory, which proves that the development of the private bank is necessary. On the basis of this, the paper analyses the main obstacles of the private banks,development from internal and external two aspects? The obstacles include bad related environment of private bank development, the restrictions of the existing finance operation system, the function of the national utility, inferior points of the private banks themselves and so on. Therefore, it is suggested to set up the system of deposit insurance, to make relevant regulations rationally, to optimize the environment of the policy, and to take progressive strategy in order to promote the development of the private banks? [Key words] private bank, finance operation system, function of national utility, deposit insurance system, progressive strategy 引言 近年来,关于民营银行发展的讨论己成为金融领域的一个热点问题。囤绕民营 银行的定义、准入条件、发展目的、生存空间等问题存在较多争议。根据党的“十 六大”报告提出的“充分发挥个体、私营等非公有制经济在促进经济增长、扩大就 业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用。放宽国内民间资木的市场准入领域,实现公平竞 争”的精神,以及入世后我国金融业所面临的激烈竞争来看,我国发展民营银行, 打破金融垄断己成为必然趋势。而当前,学术界有关民营银行发展障碍及对策的系 统研究较少,因此,我选择从这个角度出发来探讨民营银行问题。 一、发展民营银行的理论依据 当前,有关发展民营银行必要性问题的讨论很多,但大多停留于技术层面,如 解决中小企业贷款难问题,它也因此遭到反对者的强烈质疑。而事实上,发展民营 银行还有更深刻的理论依据。 (-)发展民营银行是优化金融资


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