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PAGE PAGE 1 一. 询问航班到达时间 1.请告诉我A981航班预计达到时间? Could you please tell me the ETA of flight CA918? 当地时间19:30 Nineteen thirty local time. 2.航班因天气/机械故障原因延误了。 The flight is delayed due to the weather /mechanical fault . 二.飞机到达停机位。 1. 请确认飞机停留区域清洁.无障碍物。 Make sure the aircraft parking area is clear of completion of obstruction. 2.请与驾驶舱进行通话联系。 Contact the cockpit with interphone. 3.请将停留刹车杀住/松开。 Set /release parking brake. 停留刹车已刹上/松开。 Parking /brake is set/released 4.请档上/挪开轮档。 Position/remove wheel chocks please. 5.请插上/取下起落架安全销。 Insert/remove landing gear safety pin. 起落架安全销已插上/取下。 Landing gear safety pins are insert/released. 6请关车。 Shut down engines. 三.对飞机情况进行了解 1. 飞机有故障吗? Is there any trouble with the aircraft? 2. 一切正常 Everything is ok ! 3. 有.请看飞行记录本/客舱记录本 Yes. please look at flight log book/cabin log book. 4. 请往飞行记录本上签字 Shut down engines. 四.维护工作。 1. 请打开前/中/主起落架舱门检查系统管路/导线/部件有无损坏/松动/渗漏。 Open nose /central/main landing gear door and check the system line /wire/component for damage /loose/leakage. 2. 减震支柱内筒伸出正常且洁净。 Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness. 3. 请检查中起落架减震支柱指示。 Check the indication of pressure gauge on central landing dear strut. 压力指示正常。 The indication is normal. 4. 请检查轮胎的损坏和磨损情况。 Please check tyre for damage and wear. 5. 请检查轮胎压力/外表。 Please check tyre pressure/condition. 6. 请拿一个冷气(氮气)瓶给轮胎充气。 Please get me a compressed air (Nitrogen) cylinder to charge the tyre. 7.起落架组件结构.连接及上锁组件无损伤和渗漏现象。 No damage and leakage for gear assembly structure attachment and up-assembly. 检查轮缘有损伤。 Check the wheel rim damaged. 8. 检查轮子有间断的/脱落的固定螺杆。 check the wheel sheared /missing tie bolts. 9. 检查刹车组件无渗漏/过热现象。 Check no leakage/overheat for brake unit. 10. 我们要更换中轮.请帮助找两个轮轴千斤顶。 We are going to have the central wheel assembly replaced . please get me tow axle jacks. 11. 请检查刹车的磨损情况。 Please heck for brake assembly wear. 五.发动机检查 1. 擦掉发动机吊舱和起落架上多余的油。 Please wipe excess oil from engine nacelles and landing gears. 2. 发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤。 No damage and fluid fluid le


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