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Advanced Software Engineering -For Qilu Software College, Shandong University Lecture 11 Product Metrics for Software McCall’s Triangle of Quality A Comment Measures, Metrics and Indicators A measure provides a quantitative indication of the extent, amount, dimension, capacity, or size of some attribute of a product or process The IEEE glossary defines a metric as “a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, component, or process possesses a given attribute.” An indicator is a metric or combination of metrics that provide insight into the software process, a software project, or the product itself Measurement Principles The objectives of measurement should be established before data collection begins; Each technical metric should be defined in an unambiguous manner; Metrics should be derived based on a theory that is valid for the domain of application (e.g., metrics for design should draw upon basic design concepts and principles and attempt to provide an indication of the presence of an attribute that is deemed desirable); Metrics should be tailored to best accommodate specific products and processes [BAS84] Measurement Process Formulation. The derivation of software measures and metrics appropriate for the representation of the software that is being considered. Collection. The mechanism used to accumulate data required to derive the formulated metrics. Analysis. The computation of metrics and the application of mathematical tools. Interpretation. The evaluation of metrics results in an effort to gain insight into the quality of the representation. Feedback. Recommendations derived from the interpretation of product metrics transmitted to the software team. Goal-Oriented Software Measurement The Goal/Question/Metric Paradigm (1) establish an explicit measurement goal that is specific to the process activity or product characteristic that is to be assessed (2) define a set of questions that must be answered in order to achieve the goal, and (3) id


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