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Excel2010中批量合并单元格的图文教程 Excel合并单元格时工作中经常需要用到的, 如果你要多处进行合并是否需要进行多次 操作呢?其实不必这么麻烦, 我们可以进行批量操作, 下面就就跟win7之家一起来看看具体 的操作方法吧。 croioh O o £3 公St CB JfMUI 闲已?? ?A p [外u石? T 2 ? mil*円 ?S9 Al ? A 分真字应(6) 宋和 送定匸 ”? O创*8? 艺 邑JOS分析 *耽希朋? ■ U9* 分毂上示 分侨 i I5R 為头2 7 A 1 3 A 2 4 B 3 5 B 4 5 B 5 ? B 6 s C 1 ? C 8 :c C 9 1: C 10 1; D 11 1 ? E 12 E 13 ?f E 14 E 15 V f 16 ▽ F 17 F 18丄 ?n Sheet2^ J曾!?自前分矣£9 9) 分石⑴ J £9??8示在散虾方 MM Arid Narrow O ■关详■鸞flfl?询按Fl. M力和5?元格自功■入 说》0合计,匚2冬个柜关 庁? 务二步: 分类汇总 ttst 3S ■小ftxft 18 3?ai71 茅 £1 凹 100% £ FttUI .元Wl G ? o 0 S3 俐曲? ?a cra^w A Kit C2 - -f Jtl 1 [Doom A 0 F 0 H J tcsa V 2 農头1 蠢头2 *头2 A 1 1 3 4 A 2 2 AUS 3 3 5 B 3 3 I 6 9 4 4 7 B 5 5 B B 6 6 9 18 18 10 c T 7 11 C 8 8 12 c 9 9 13 c 10 10 U crs M M 15 16 D 11 11 11 11 17 E 12 12 18 t? E 13 J E 14 -q ? F t?L ?i H Sheetl Sheets Sheet4 £1 I ¥t3* 2a52 ttSb 25 S.按下律"上的Dei? 第三步 :W作合并鱼元格 ■沁… 4耐??? 走位钟5)_ ttrl(M) ?ft(W 彳选疮対to <u 5UIB?(£).- 1 二■ ■」 17X 眾粘513 2凹 100% - 0 ”; —^―= 一 = 9 最后记得把多余的 C列咔嚓了就可以了。效果如何呢 ?自己进单元格试下就知道了。 另外,这一操作不仅限于 win7系统下载的 Excel2010版,Excel2003版和2007版也同 样适用,只是2003版的 转到”在菜单 编辑》定位》定位条件”里。 还有一些各版本都通用的 Excel快捷键可以用,如定位的快捷键 Ctrl+G或F5。 Whe n you are old and grey and full of sleep, And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your mome nts of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face; And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. The furthest dista nee in the world Is not betwee n life and death But whe n I sta nd in front of you Yet you don't know that I love you. The furthest dista nee in the world Is not whe n I sta nd in front of you Yet you can't see my love But whe n un doubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together. The furthest dista nee in th


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