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蓟县旅游景点现状调查报告 此次蓟县调查工作共对独乐寺、盘山、黄崖关长城、九山顶和翠屏湖等5个景点进行了实地收集获取中英文的景点介绍18处,从互联网上搜集部分旅游景点的宣传网站资料,以及独乐寺、独乐寺英文版导游词、黄崖关长城和盘山的导游词 中英文介绍部分 1、独乐寺 1.1独乐寺中文介绍 独乐寺,始建于唐,主体建筑山门,观音阁建于辽代统和二年(公元984年),为研究我国木结构建筑的代表作,是国务院1961年首批公布的全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级景区。 山门中间作穿堂,门正中悬挂明代大学士严嵩的“独乐寺”匾额。前两稍间为两尊辽代泥塑护法金刚力士像,俗称“哼、哈”二将,后两稍间为绘制于清代的四大天王 壁画。四阿殿屋顶如翼似飞,鸱吻形象生动。山门为我国现存年代最早的庑殿顶山门 。 观音阁通高23米,是我国最古老的木结构楼阁式建筑。梁柱接撑部因位置、功能而异,共用斗拱24种。阁上层悬挂李白手书名匾“观音之阁”,下层为咸丰御笔“具足圆成”匾。阁内高达16.08米的辽代泥塑十一面观音像,是我国现存最高大的彩色泥塑站像。观音阁一层四壁为元代绘制,明代重描的二明王和十六罗汉彩色壁画。 寺内还有报恩院、乾隆行宫、清代民居等附属建筑及国内规模最大、保存最完整的28块乾隆御笔有秩序碑刻。 1.2独乐寺英文介绍 The Dule Temple, a national monument, was first built in the Tang dynasty. The main building, the Gate to the Temple and the Guanyin Hall were rebuilt in the 2nd year of Tonghe Regime, Liao Dynasty(AD984). The Gate, with its grandious brackets, its flying swing-like roof and its vivid and graceful ornaments on the roof-ridge, is the earliest extant gate with palatial roof in China. The middle of the gate is also served as a passageway, and on the sides are standing 2 statues of door-guards, popularly known as “Heng-Ha” generals. In the backroom of the gate. On the 2 sides, there are portraits of the 4 heavenly kings drawn in the Qing Dynasty. The 23-meter-high Guanyin Hall, which has 2 storeys with a mezzanine in between, is the earlist extant multi-storeyed hall of wooden structure in China. 24 brackets have been used in the joggle place of the beam colum according to their different functions and locations. With is unique constructional technique, the hall is still in good shape, after experiencing many times of earthquakes and more than 1000 years of exposure to nature. The 16-meter high statue of 11-headed Guanyin inside the hall, is one of the largest clay sculptures in China. The hall also treasures colored clay scultures of attendant Bodhisattvas clayed in the Liao Dynasty, as well as the colored murals painted in the Yuan Dynasty which include murals of the 16 arhats and 2 Ming Kings repainted in the Ming Dynast


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