小学英语_Will you take your kite教学课件设计(文档3).ppt

小学英语_Will you take your kite教学课件设计(文档3).ppt

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* 外研社小学英语四年级下册 On Saturday, I am going to go swimming. ---What will you do on Saturday? 周六你要做什么? ---I will…… fly kites play football play basketball visit my grandma go to the zoo go to the park do my homework Play with my friends On Saturday, I am going to go swimming. I will take my swimsuit. What will you take? 你要带什么去? I will take …… ball noodles bread kite oranges bananas cake apples eggs milk rice sweets happy 高兴 Listen and answer(听录音回答问题) Sam and Amy are very happy. Why? (Sam ,Amy 为什么非常开心?) Listen and answer(听录音回答问题) Sam and Amy are very happy. Why? (Sam ,Amy 为什么非常开心?) Because they are going to have a picnic. 听录音,在文中找出“Will you…?” 听录音,在文中找出“Will you…?” 1.Will you take your kite tomorrow? 2.Will you take your ball tomorrow? Listen again and find: 听录音,完成下列句子 1.Sam: Will you take your kite tomorrow? Amy:______________. 2. Sam: Will you take your ball tomorrow? Amy:______________. 1.Sam: Will you take your kite tomorrow? Amy:______________. 2. Sam: Will you take your ball tomorrow? Amy:______________. No , I won’t. No , I won’t. Listen again and find: 听录音,完成下列句子 Why does Amy say “No, I won’t”? (为什么Amy 明天不带她的球和风筝呢?) Because tomorrow is Friday. Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Think and say 运用适当的语气语调能够 使故事听起来更生动哦! Listen and repeat 听音跟读 Role play 角色扮演 Good:准确流利 Very good :准确流利 语言恰当 Excellent :准确流利 语言恰当 表情到位 Who can be the best actor? (谁可以成为最好的表演者) 1.We’re going to have a _______ on Saturday! 2.Will you take your ________ tomorrow? No, I won’t. 3.Will you take your ________ tomorrow? No, I won’t. 4.Because tomorrow is ____________ picnic Friday 星期五 ball kite Friday Read and fill(填空) A:Will you take______ to the _______? B: __________ 1 school A:Will you take______ to _______? B: __________ 2 park A:Will you take your______ to _______? B: __________ 3 *



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