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浅析陕北红枣的营销策略 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:浅析陕北红枣的营销策略 教学单位: 经济管理一系 专 业:国际经济与贸易 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2014年5月 摘要 陕北红枣作为陕北经济发展的一大经济支柱,发展迅猛,红枣也越来越受到人们的喜爱。 红枣是我省陕北黄土高原区的传统经济林作物,素有“铁杆庄稼”、“木木粮食”之称,是当地 农民增加收入的重要经济来源。近年来红枣产业在佳具、吴堡、清涧、延川等具发展迅速, 己经成为当地林业产业的重要支柱。到2013年,全省红枣种植面积达258万亩,年产量达 71.04万吨,年产值达23.42亿元。但发展过程屮出现的问题也越来越多,尤其是营销屮存 在的问题。 关键词:陕北红枣;问题;营销策略 1 Abstract Northern Shaanxi Red jujube as a major economic pillar of economic development in northern Shaanxi, is developing rapidly, dates arc increasingly popular with people. Jujube forest tree species in our province is the traditional area of the Loess Plateau, known as the quot;iron rice bowlquot;, quot;the wood grain,quot; said the people of northern Shaanxi important economic source of revenue? In recent years Jiaxian, Wubu, Qingjian, Yanchuan counties Red jujube industry has developed rapidly, has become an important pillar of the local forestry industry. By 2013, the province Red jujube cultivation area of 258 million mu, annual output of 710,400 tons, armual output value of 2.342 billion yuan. But the development process more and more problems, especially the problems of marketing. In this paper, the status quo is extremely Red jujube industry made a series of problems in the analysis, and it exists in the marketing strategy conducted in-depth research, including traditional marketing strategies and innovative marketing strategics. In order to put forward constructive suggestions for the development of northern Shaanxi Red jujube, Red jujube industry so healthy and rapid development in northern Shaanxi. To increase revenue northern Shaanxi People make a contribution. Keywords: Northern Shaanxi Red Jujube; Problems; Marketing Strategy 2 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 绪 论 1 选 题 背 景 1 研 究 意 义 1 国国国外研究现状 主 要 研 究 重 点 难 点 及 研 究 方 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 法 2 陕 北 红 枣 的 发 展 现 状 3 2」 产 业 基 地 建 设 已 具 规 模 3 加 工 企 业 逐 步 兴 起 3 营 销 渠 道 不 断 扩 大 4 2.4经济效益初见成效,枣农生活水平普遍提高 4 陕 北 红 枣 发 展 过 程 中 存 在 的 问 题 5 3.1农业生产标准化稈度不够,流通过程问题突出 5 3.2 出….… 产 品 产销过 程 中 季 : 5 节 性 矛 盾


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