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基于单片机的电子倒计时牌的设计与实现 近年来随着计算机在社会领域的渗透,单片机的应用正在不断的走向深入,同时带 动传统控制检测日新月益更新。 在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中, 单片机往 往是作为一个核心部件来使用,仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构, 以及针对具体应用对象特点的软件结合,以做完善。生活中单片机的应用很广,如电子 倒计时牌就能够帮你记住一些重要的日子叫你不会忘记。它可以用于奥运会的倒计时、 世界博览会的倒计时、高考的倒计时等重要的日子的计时,使你的生活变的简单而有规 律。制作一些大的电子倒计时牌也能方便大众,如 2008年奥运会在中国举办,在北京 的那个大的奥运会倒计时牌就很好的给大众一个提醒的作用。 现在日常生活中时间对人们的重要性,越来越高了。时间伴随我们的每一天,每一 时刻,所以我们由于各种原因会忘记各种重要的日子,这就是我们做这个电子倒计时牌 的原因,它能够很好提醒人们重要的日子,保重我们不能忘记,也减少了人们不必要的 损失。计时的方法也得到了发展,由最初人们用看系扣来记录重要的事情和天数,到看 太阳的影子,来看时间的变化,再到出了发条表,人们用翻纸来看时间和天数,到现在 人们有使用电子表,人们的生活再不断的提高和发展,电子倒计时牌是时代的发展的产 物,也是人们智慧的产物。 本篇论文讨论了倒计时的设计和制作,单片机与外部温度采集芯片、液晶屏显示的 电路连接,和使用Protel99进行原理图的绘制和PCB的制作,使用汇编和C语言进行 软件的设计,并对系统硬件和软件进行了验证。 关键词:单片机;汇编;电子倒计时牌;Protel99 Electronic countdown board based on single chip design and implementation Abstract In recent years, with the penetration of computers in the social sphere, SCM applications are continually deepening, while the traditional control and test drive the rapidly growing update. In real-time detection and control of the microcomputer application system, the microc on troller is ofte n used as a core comp onent, on ly the SCM kno wledge is in adequate and should be based on specific hardware architecture, and applicati on-specific features of the software objects are comb ined to make perfect . Life of a very wide applicati on of SCM, such as electronic countdown board will be able to help you remember some important call you will not forget the day. It can be used for the Olympic Games coun tdow n, coun tdow n to the Expo, and other importa nt college entrance exam in ati on in the coun tdow n to the days of the time, make your life more simple and regular. Produce large electro nic coun tdow n board and make it easier public, such as the 2008 Olympic Games held in China, in Beijing Olympics coun tdow n board that big on a good rem in der to the public a role. Now in daily life, the importance of time for people increasingly high. Time with us every day, every minute, so we can forget all d


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