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九年级英语上册《 Unit 3 English Around the World 》Topic2 SectionB 教案 仁爱版 The main activity is 1a. 本 重点活 是 1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目 1. Learn a new word and some phrases: see ? off, put out, ask for a ride, get in, pick up, victory Learn some useful sentences: (1)The foreigner is asking for a ride. (2) It ’ s quite all right. (3) I hope I won’t have much difficulty communicating. (4)Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me. Go on learning present continuous to show the future: (1)My uncle is meeting us tomorrow. (2)When are you leaving for Disneyland? (3)I ’ m leaving this afternoon. 4. Talk about sign language and body language. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 音机 / 幻灯片 / 教学挂 / 小卡片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 ( 时间 :8 分 ) 通 生 ,复 不同英 国家的表达 及网 用 ,引出手 , 入 1a。 T: We know that English is spoken differently in different countries. Then how to say hello to each other in Australia? S1: They say “ g’day” . What does the word “ boot ” mean in British English? S2: It ’ s the trunk of a car. T: Good! What ’ s the meaning of “ F2F” in e-mail English? S3: Face to face. What about “ GR8” ? S4: It means “ great ” . T: Well done! In fact, English speakers communicate in this kind of simplified form. Besides, they also use gestures to express their meanings. Look at me. This is my thumb. I put out my hand with my thumb raised. ( 做拇指朝上伸出手的 作。 ) What ’ s my meaning? Do you know? Ss: Sorry, we don ’ t know. It means that I am asking for a ride. ( 板 生 及短 , 解并要求掌握 put out, ask for a ride; 了解 thumb。) thumb put out ask for a ride T: OK, look at the picture in 1a, what ’s the foreigner doing? Ss: He is asking for a ride. 用心 爱心 专心 - 1 - T: Yes, where is he going? Let ’s listen to 1a. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 ( 时间 :12 分 ) 学生 着 听 1a 的 音,以听力的形式呈 1a 内容,并找出文中重点 句和目 言, 生共同学 法, 下一步的学以致用打基 。 1. ( 置听力任 ,首先帮助学 理解生 flight ,然后 学生 着任 听 1a 音,从整 体上把握 意思,并完成所列 。 ) ( 板 要求学生理解。 ) flight Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. What ’


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