茶艺英语 花茶 茶叶分类-·花茶-茉莉花茶.ppt

茶艺英语 花茶 茶叶分类-·花茶-茉莉花茶.ppt

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茶艺英语 English for Tea Art 茶艺英语 English for Tea Art 茶艺英语 English for Tea Art 花茶—茉莉花茶 Jasmine tea 邵淑宏 浙江旅游职业学院 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 1. New words Olivine 英 [??l?vi:n] 美 [??l?vi:n] n.橄榄石,黄绿 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 2. Introduction Jasmine tea is also called jasmine scented tea. It is the treasure of scented teas and also the best seller in scented tea market. It is loved by northern people. The sentence “You can smell the atmosphere of spring in Chinese scented tea” popular in foreign countries is to praise the jasmine tea. 茉莉花茶又叫茉莉香片,是花茶中的珍品,也是花茶市场销量最大的一种茶,颇受北方人的喜爱。国外流行的那句“在中国的花茶里,可闻到春天的气味”赞誉的就是茉莉花茶。 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 2. Introduction Jasmine tea is made by stirring tea-leaves and matching fresh jasmine. Since the jasmine tea uses green tea as tea basement, someone classified it as green tea. But there are some jasmine teas taking black tea or oolong tea as tea basement. 茉莉花茶是将茶叶和新鲜茉莉花进行窨制,使茶叶吸收花香,茶香和茉莉花香交互融合而成,因多用绿茶做茶胚制成,因此也有人把它归为绿茶一类,个别也有红茶或乌龙茶做茶胚。 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 3. Quality characteristics Shape: the brand tight and uniformity, the color is brown-golden. Liquid: bright olivine. Aroma: fresh and persistent. 外形:条索紧细匀整,色泽褐中带黄。 汤色:黄绿明亮。 香气:鲜灵、持久。 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 3. Quality characteristics Taste: fresh and delicious. Brewed tea leaves: tender and soft. 滋味:醇厚鲜爽。 叶底:嫩匀柔软。 Thank you! 茶艺英语 English for Tea Art 茶艺英语 English for Tea Art 茶艺英语 English for Tea Art



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