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Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution is harmful to people ’s health. SectionB The main activities are 1a and 1b. 本 重点活 是 1a 和 1b。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目 Learn some new words: weak, produce, chest, anyway Go on learning direct speech and indirect speech: The old lady said that it was difficult for her to breathe. The old lady told Kangkang that she had been like that since the week before. Kangkang asked the old lady how long she had been like that. The journalist asked Mrs. Zhou whether/if she was feeling better then. The journalist asked what the environment around that place was like. Learn some expressions about blame and complaint: (1) It ’ s difficult for me to breathe. (2) The bad air makes my chest hurt. (3) ? the factory makes too much noise and I can ’ t sleep well at night. (4) I ’ m always in a bad mood ? ? I can ’ t stand the environment here. Anyway, I hope the government will solve this problem soon. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 片 / 教学挂 / 音机 / 小星星 / 游 条 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 ( 时间 :6 分 ) 上 的作 ,通 学生 果的 和 述,复 直接引 和 接引 。 Is there air pollution around your home? S1: Yes. There are several chemical factories near my home. They make terriblegas. I often feel sick. T: What did S 1 say just now? S2: S1 said that there were several chemical factories near his/her home. 3 1 S : S said that they made terrible gas. 4 1 S : S said that he/she often felt sick. ( 其余五种 染用同 的方法 行 述。 ) ? Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 ( 时间 :12 分 ) 展示有关 境 染的 片,开展 ,学 生 ,呈 1a。 1. ( 教 用 Section A 的 1a 行 入,利用 片引出新的 。 ) T: From 1a, Section A, we know Kangkang and his friends planned to go for a picnic. But two days later, when the children reached the West Hill, would they have a picnic there? Ss:No. 用心 爱心 专心 - 1 - T: Why? Ss:The flowers, grass and fish have gone. The chemical factories are pouring waste water into the stream. T: ( 出示工厂排放着 烟的 片。 )And what is the factory making? Ss:It ’ s making smoke. T: Yes, it ’ s p


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