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9A Unit6 巩固练习 一、 运用: 根据所 和首字母提示填写 : 1. They ______ ( 逮捕 ) him with a gun because he was guilty.. 2. The poor little boy was _______ ( 架 ) on his way to school. 3. How can you ________( 明 ) that you have finished it? 4. Who do you think is the real ________ ( 凶手 ) of the murder? 5. My uncle is able and hard working, so he is ________( 待遇丰厚 ). 6.The boy ’s d_______ made his whole family feel very sad. 7.I don ’t think he d______ run the risk. 8.When we b_______, we draw air into our lungs (肺) . 9.It was raining h________ and they found that a stream had formed in the field. 10.No one o________ this plan. We all agree to visit the museum tomorrow. 根据英文解 填写 : His statement _________(supported, made certain, gave proof) what we have suspected. The 16-year-old boy was __________(criminal, blameworthy) of killing his step-father. 3. If we don’t have enough _________ (words or objects which prove a statement, support belief or make a matter clear) to arrest him, he will take a plane to Japan tomorrow. 4. Police haven ’t found out the two children _________ (persons suffer pain as a result of other people ’s action) yet. 5. The population of the world is _________ (becoming large in amount or number) quickly every year. 6. He is _________(felt that a person maybe guilty of ?) of breaki ng into the house and murdering the millionaire. He has made great _________(advance or development) this term. All of the great men are _______ (written down for future reference, made a written note of ?) in history. C)用所 的适当形式填空: 1.The doctor has warned him not to move, or his cut will ________ (blood). 2.________ (obvious), TV has both advantages and disadvantages. 3.Those ________ (thief) were caught by the police at last. 用心 爱心 专心 - 1 - 4.The coats and trousers with blood were those _________ (murder). 5.The man was wanted by the police because he is a bank ________(rob). 6.Eddie is always __________(dress) like an office worker. 7.It is possible that there was mor


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