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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 填准记牢.碟円根基 II词汇语境用I I ?情景默写 Do you think cinemas will be replaced代替)by TV and computers in the next cen tury? We sent our congratulations祝贺)to him on his winning the competition. Visitors are not allowed to take photographs 照片) in side the museum without permissi on. It was the Communist Party of China that founded创立)the People s Republic of Chi na. Please be quiet.The child is concentrating^注于)on his experiment. His fellow workers listened to his adventure story with disbelief怀疑). There was eno ugh evide nee证据)to prove him wrong. The competition is open to both amateu业余的)and professional photographers. In the past two weeks all of us have held many cultural文化的)activities, from which we have learned a great deal.(2016^津卷 书面表达) The band s new album has had very goodews(评论). If you realize your dream after hard work , you will have a wonderful sense of achievement 成就). If we recycled more waste we wouldn t need pooduce生产)so much and there wouldn tebso much pollution. Now__that(既然 )we ve set our mi nds on the gqalwe must go through with the task. In. total(总共)over 100 people attended the meeting held in our school hall. You should concentrate _on聚精会神)the road when you re driving. He does not believe__ 相信)the existenee of ghosts. n .词性转换 You must place these eve nts in their historieal(historie) con text whe n lear ning history. I admire his passi on ate belief(disbelief) in what he is doing. Many friends came to con gratulate him on his marriage a nd some sent mails to express their congratulations(co ngratulate) It is evident(evidenee) that he has no evidenee to prove his honesty. A politician is one who is interested or involved in politics and holds strong beliefs in it.(politics) Don tadmire his achievement You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.(achieve) 7 . Production is the action of producing something or the amount of products, (produce) II句型模仿写I 句型公式:was/were doing…when.正在做某事这时 我们正在开会,这时有人闯了进来。 We were having


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