小学英语_山科版 四年级下册unit5 lesson 1 Can I help you 教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_山科版 四年级下册unit5 lesson 1 Can I help you 教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Can I help you ? 教案 教学目标: 1.能听懂会说运用规范书写单词:toy bus car fast. 能听懂会说认读单词 cheap all right 2能听懂会说认读句子“can I help you ?””I’d like…” 3.能运用所学句子进行购物。 4.养成文明购物习惯。 Hello boys and girls. Nice to meet you. You can call me Miss Mi. Now Let’s do a warm. warm up 师生共唱(clap your hands and say together, ok?) 二lead in 师:what would you like? Noodles or rice? 生:I’d like… 三 presentation 1.师出示一组文具图片what would you like? 生:I’d like… 师出示两张图片一张toy monkey \toy tiger How about these 2?First one or second one? They’re toys. Toy 用音标讲如何读.出示幻灯片。板书toy 2.LiMing wants a toy too, let’s watch and choose. 3.幻灯片出示一辆汽车what’s this ? it’s a bus.讲bus 发音,紧接着出示几辆不同颜色汽车。Next one .What’s this ?生回答….用同样的方式出示car. (big car small car)接着出示toy bus toy car 用what’s this? 来回答。 4.Now Li Ming goes to the toy shop. Watch and find what does the salesperson(售货员)say? 出示售货员头像 can I help you ?师领读(I say in high voice, you say in low voice. then change)教授连读。板书 出示李明头像 Li Ming says: I’d like __________,please. 5.Pair work 师依次出示学习用品 Now I’m a salesperson. Can I help you? 生回答I ‘d like a.. next You’re a salesperson. I’m a customer. 然后出示学习用品衣服、玩具图片。Next let’s do a pair work. 在课件出示售货员头像,以及对话内容 。给学生时间练习,然后找两组进行展示。 6 ok, so much for this . I like a toy car, because it goes fast.在幻灯片出示It goes fast.接着出示乌龟和兔子的图片讲fast.练读。Liming likes the toy car too. Next look your text book and fill in the blanks. It goes ___ , And it’s __. 出示两幅图片两件毛衣不同价钱。The green sweater is100yuan. The red one is 60 yuan. so the red sweater is cheap.教单词发音。引出情感目标贵的不一定是最好的,(??) 6.Now let’s listen and repeat.跟读时讲take 发音及意思 出示文本让生跟读。 Ok now let’s read by yourself. Hello boys and girls stop here. I’m mum Girls are salesperson. Boys are li Ming . 三 .production Children, watch here it’s a happy flea market. Do you like the market? We can buy and sell, I’s very interesting. Now let’s watch the VCR and act it.(幻灯片出示视频,然后出示所有物品和小组对话内容。)(课前发好图片和主要句型文档) 学情分析 四年级学生有了一定的语言基础,但是活泼型不是很高。本节是一节对话课,话题接近生活是学生感兴趣的内容。 对话课《can I help you》效果分析 本堂课层层引导、步步深入、能抓住重点句子进行对话练习。环节之间设计巧妙过渡自然


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