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网络直播对大学生的消费心理和行为的影响-以广东药科大学为例 【摘要】随着互联网渗透率的逐渐提高,网络直播呈现井喷式发展的趋势。截至2020年3月,我国网络直播用户规模达5.60亿,约占网民总数62%,其中用网络比例最高的群体是学生,而大学生是学生群体中较为成熟的,拥有成熟的思想、价值观,同时具有一定程度的经济能力。所以以网络使用主力军的大学生群体为研究对象,结合消费学相关理论分析该群体网络直播消费现状、特点、问题及影响因素,以倡导大学生群体的正确消费观,具有一定的现实意义。 本文研究主要以网络直播对大学生的消费心理和行为的影响为聚焦点,通过文献研究法、调查研究法,本研究将会从大学生的视角出发,以广东药科大学为例,研究他们的消费行为和心理的具体情况,全面分析网络直播对其产生的消极影响,并从国家、网络直播平台、大学生个人和学校四个层面分析网络直播对大学生的消费心理和行为造成消极影响的原因,最终提出相应的对策增强网络直播对大学生消费的正面效应。 【关键词】网络直播;大学生;消费者心理和行为;广东药科大学 The Influence of Network Broadcast on College Students consumer psychology and behavior—— GuangDong Pharmaceutical University for Example [Abstract] With the gradual increase of Internet penetration, the network live broadcast shows the trend of blowout development. By March 2020, the number of users of live network in China has reached 560 million, accounting for 62% of the total number of Internet users. Among them, the group with the highest proportion of network use is students, while college students are relatively mature among the student groups, with mature ideas, values, and a certain degree of economic ability. Therefore, it is of practical significance to analyze the current situation, characteristics, problems and influencing factors of online live broadcast consumption of college students, who are the main force of network use, and to advocate the correct consumption concept of college students. This paper mainly focuses on the influence of online live broadcast on College Students consumption psychology and behavior. Through literature research and investigation research, this study will start from the perspective of college students and take Guangdong Pharmaceutical University as an example to study their specific situation of consumption behavior and psychology, comprehensively analyze the negative impact of online live broadcast on college students, and from the perspective of national and online live broadcast level This paper analyzes the reasons of the negative influence of the network live broadc



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