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淘宝直播推荐特征对消费者网络购买动机的影响 ——以广东药科大学中山校区为例 【摘要】淘宝直播是目前最流行的“电商+直播”营销平台之一,备受消费者关注和喜爱,也是众多商家的必争之地。但是,淘宝直播一直没能迎来属于它的高峰时期。原因在于淘宝直播存在着自身定位不明确、宣传力度不足以及忽略三四线城市人群等的问题。本文以广东药科大学中山校区调查为例,通过问卷调查的研究方法以及定量分析、描述性统计、交叉分析等分析方法,探究淘宝直播推荐特征,如产品、主播、自身需求、直播形式,其对消费者网络购买动机的影响。调查研究发现,产品的价格与质量、自身消费水平、主播人数以及对商品价格预期为细分的最大影响因素。因此,本文根据研究结论,提出解决淘宝直播平台现有问题的相关建议。 【关键词】淘宝直播推荐特征;动机;研究;建议 The influence of recommendation features of taobao live broadcast on consumers online purchasing motivation -- a case study of zhongshan campus of guangdong pharmaceutical university [Abstract] Taobao live streaming is one of the most popular marketing platforms of e-commerce + live streaming at present. It has attracted the attention and affection of consumers, and is also a competitive place for many merchants.However, taobao live has not been able to usher in its peak period.The reason is that taobao live broadcast has some problems, such as unclear positioning, insufficient publicity and ignoring the crowd in the third and fourth tier cities.This paper takes the survey of zhongshan campus of guangdong pharmaceutical university as an example, and through the research method of questionnaire survey, quantitative analysis, descriptive statistics, cross analysis and other analysis methods, it explores the recommendation features of taobao live broadcast, such as products, anchors, their own needs and live broadcast forms, and their influence on consumers online purchasing motivation.The research found that the price and quality of the product, the consumption level, the number of anchors and the expectation of the commodity price were the biggest factors affecting the segmentation.Therefore, based on the research conclusions, this paper proposes relevant Suggestions to solve the existing problems of taobao live streaming platform. [Keywords] Recommended features of taobao live streaming Motive Influence Research PAGE PAGE II 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 22424 1 绪论 1 26163 1.1 选题的背景、目的及意义 1 12091 1.2 研究现状 1 14



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