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航空服务质量现状及发展战略研究 -以海南航空公司为例 摘 要 随着我国已经加入WTO以及民航业的各项改革不断深化,航空公 司的服务质量管理受到各大航空公司的重视。但就国内航空公司的服 务质量现状来看,在航班正点性、机上服务、订票售票、值机服务、 货物运输等许多方面的质量指标还存在很多问题。 航空公司属于提供航空运输业务的服务行业。本文以海南航空公 司为例,首先展示了航空业的服务质量,从海航的投诉情况分析和“旅 客话民航”活动揭示了海航的服务质量现状,并对航空公司存在服务 质量问题的成因进行了根源分析。通过对民航服务质量发展阶段的分 析,引出服务质量的建设是现阶段提高竞争力的重要手段,应提升到 战略的高度,并对海航的一些战略战术进行服务质量方面的研究。 文中对海南航空公司的资源组合进行了分析,选择了增长型的发 展战略,为配合这样的战略,服务质量需要进一步提升。文中对常见的 一些质量方面采取的措施进行了阐述,这样的服务措施并没有使海航 的服务质量达到领导层期望的目的。笔者认为适合海南航空公司现状 的,对海航服务质量提高有所帮助的主要应从人的角度出发,从关注 客户和关注员工两个方面来达到目的,希望能对目前海航以及国内民 航的服务质量改善起到一些借鉴作用。 关键词: 海航, 服务质量, 客户, 员工 ABSTRACT THE SERVICE QUALITY OF THE DOMESTIC AIRLINES AND THE STUDY ON DEVELOPING STRATEGY -TAKE HAINAN AIRLINE AS AN EXAMPLE With China's entry into WTO( World Trade Organization) and the continuingly deepening reforms of civil aviation, domestic airlines is paying more importance on service quality. Regarding the current service quality of the domestic airlines, however, there still exist some problems on punctuality, on-board service, ticketing, cargo transportation, and so on. Airline is the service industry that offers the aerial affair of transport service. Give an example as Hainan airline, first this paper show the service quality in airlines, then analyze Hainan airline’s current service quality, and then analyze the reason of this problem. From the development phases of civil aviation’s service quality, we can recognize that the improvement of service quality is the core competence of an airline which should be seen as a strategy, and we can also analyze some service measure of Hainan airline’s. Some common measures to improve service quality are included in this paper. Several years’ working experiences in this industry push me to think about the reason why the service quality can’t match the expected purpose, at the same time I am trying my best to know how airlines can provide real perfect service after improving the service quality. In the last ,the writer figure out that it should emphasize on perso


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