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PAGE PAGE 1 Europe Content Module 1 Cultural Corner The European Union Teaching aims A Knowledge objectives By the end of the class, Ss should be able to master some words and the names of the EU. B Ability objectives To improve the Ss’ reading skill and the ability of catching main idea, also can read and talk about the EU fluently C Emotion objectives Get Ss to know more about the EU and broaden Ss’ world vision. Class type: New class Important points and Difficult points Important points: Enable Ss to know more about information about the EU, such as the definition, how did it start and so on. Difficult point:Get Ss to remember the name of the EU members and the development of it. Teaching method: task-based approach Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision What we have learned last period Step 2 Pre-reading and led-in Show a map or a short video about EU, current issue to arouse Ss’ attention and interest in class. We can also talk world cup. Step 3 Fast reading Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and then answer the following questions Q1 what is the EU? Q2 how did it start? How many countries belong to it now? Step 4 Intensive reading Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions on page 9 Step 5 analyzed each paragraph Q1 Is the EU an countries? The EU is an organization of European countries. Q2 Do the countries have one government or their own governments? The countries are independent and are governed in different ways. Q3 What does each government do to the EU? They sends representatives to the EU parliament which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries. Step 6 language points ⒈ in terms of 根据……; 就……而言; 在……方面 In terms of money, I’m very rich. But in terms of happiness, I’m poor. ⒉ Compared with 与……相比,通常在句中作状语, 可compared to 替换 Compared with other subjects, English is very easy. Co


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