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Section II The Language Points of Reading (第 2 课时) 课时作业(二) 对应学生用书P17[基础题] I 单词拼写 It is not surprising that many (本国的)English speakers dont know grammar quite well. 答案:native Quite a lot of people think it is a big fortune to have a large (公 寓住宅)in Xiongan New District. 答案:apartment Keep on practicing your oral English, and (逐渐地)you will do well in it. 答案:gradually Johns English composition is good except for some (拼写)mistakes. 答案:spelling Of the two choices, I prefer the ( 后者). 答案:latter Today China has a large number of f _ English speakers. 答案:flue nt Readi ng will in crease your v . 答案:vocabulary The price of p is coming dow n by four pence a gall on. 答案:petrol Abu is not his real name, but its one he uses to disguise his i . _ 答案:identity Going to college can be a v of self-discovery. 答案:voyage n 选词填空 错误! Be open-minded to different opinions you dont like them. 答案:even if This play a novel by D . H. Lawrenee. 答案:is based on Though they are twins, they each other in many ways. 答案:are different from (2017 ?江苏高考)Hes bee n in formed that he does nt qualify for the scholarship his academic baekgro und. 答案:because of rm sorry hes out . 答案:at present You can your talents to become rich as well. 答案: make use of I know many of them, John, Peter, and Tom. 答案:such as He rang to say he would be late home — something at the office. 答案:had come up a quarter of the students never finished their courses. 答案:More than As you see, we look the same . 答案:in some ways 川单句语法填空 My wish is to speak English as (fluent) as a native English speaker. 答案:fluently 本句中用副词修饰动词 speak。句意:我的愿望是我能像以英语为母 语的人一样流利地说英语。 While we were waiting for the bus there, a little girl came up us. 答案:to come up to 走近,靠近”。 The (late) part of the debate concentrated on the usages of these latest expressi ons. 答案:latter latter part of ... 意为 的后半部分”。句意:后半部分的辩 论集中在这些最新出现的表达方式的用法上。 There are more than 10 different subjects (offer) in high school in China at prese nt. 答案:offered subjects 与offer之间是被动关系,故应用过去


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