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课时跟踪练(二) Warm up Less on 1 Lan guage Points 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 单词拼写 She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually ( 终于)works for the Times. You get a wonderful sense of achievement ( 成就)when you get to the top. After a little gentle persuasion ( 劝说),Bela agreed to let us in. The police are out searching ( 寻找)the yard for clues. Please accept our sin cere apology ( 道歉). You must try and keep your spirits ( 精神)up. The frightened ( 受惊的)child gripped his mothers arm. Sailors ( 海员)do not earn much money but they do see life. Even if you travel in ideal weather , sea journeys (旅行)take a long time. Christopher Columbus was one of the great explorers 探险家). n.单句语法填空 It was the middle of the night when my father woke meup and told meto watch the football game. He wrote a letter where he explained what had happened in the accident. Do you know the trouble I have buying (buy) the ticket for the con cert? While shopping, people sometimes cant help being persuaded (persuade) into buying someth ing they dont really n eed. I must apologise for not having been able to write to you. The moment he got home, the boy set about doing (do) his homework. Large quantities of graduates go to the city in search of jobs. _ When he came to, he found himself lying (lie) in the hospital. The reason why he resigned is known to us. The policeman with whom Mr.Henry is talking is a friend of mine. 川.选词填空 错误! We had no trouble in finding this address. — Did you reach the top of the mountain? —Yes.Eve n I myself did nt believe I could make_it. _ Every year, as_many as 10,000 visitors cometo visit the Han Tombsfrom other prov inces. According_to Freud, our dreams represent our hidden desires. Hungry beggars wandered the streets in_search_of food. If you get_into_trouble,」ll step out and help you out. .课文语法填空 Eric the Red, whose an cestors came 1.from Scandin avia, was one of the Vikings who achieved achievements in his voyage all his life. According 2.to_ the old stories of Iceland


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