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摘要 伴随国民经济稳步增加,建筑电气各系统设备技术水平得到极大改善和提升。此次设计长化办公大楼供配电工程,以安全可靠,经济灵活标准电气系统,优先考虑优异 可靠装备,以达成时代对建筑电气设计要求。在供配电系统设计中应满足供电可靠性,电力系统采取树干式和放射式相结合方法进行配电,以达成安全可靠,经济合理设计要求。还要做到远近期相结合并考虑扩充可能性合适留有余量。照明系统设计从科学合理角度出发 并以节能高效标准,选择高效率灯具,以达成节省能源,保护环境,建立优质高效,经济舒适,安全可靠,提升大家生活质量和工作效率,保护身心健康照明环境。消防系统设计以“预防为主,防消结合”为目标,本工程依据其使用性质,规模及消防要求等采取集中报警控制系统,并设专门消防控制室,用来监视建筑物内消防设施,进行探测和控制。 关键词 供配电系统;照明系统;消防系统;防雷接地系 Abstract As the national economy has been growing steadily, building electrical systems equipment technology will be greatly improved and enhanced. This design a Changhua high-bulilding for business and living, electrical engineering, to safe, reliable, and flexible economic principles designed electrical system, priority advanced, reliable, the use of equipment to meet the requirements of the times for building electrical design. For the electricity distribution syetem design should meet reliability power systems and radiation-used trunk-style method combining distribution to achieve safe, reliable, economic reasonable design requirements. Also do well in light of the recent expansion and consider the possibility of appropriate criminal cushion. Lighting design from a scientific and rational perspective, and energe conservation and efficiency, the choice of efficient lamps to achieve energe conservation, environmental protection, the establishment of a high-quality, effective, economic comfortable, safe, reliable, quality of life and enhance the efficiency and protect the physical and mental health of the lighting environment. Fire system design to “focusing on prevention and anti-wave combination” for the purpose of the project according to the nature of their use, size and fire warning requirements on the use of control systems, and specialized fire control room located to monitor building fire facilities, detection and control. Key words the electricity distribution syetem; Lighting system; Fire prevention system; Anti-radar earth system 第一章 绪论 1.1 设计题目及工程概况 (1)设计题目 四平市海韵花园小区水泵房电气


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